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does she like me?

the kid

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heres the deal. i am 17 years old and about four months ago my parents hired this girl to work at the family business, she just turned 16. at first i really didnt think much of her because she was younger than me and i usually dont date younger girls then me because of past bad experiences.. then about 2 months ago me and her started talking. this was at about the time that i decided that i really wanted to get something serious going with a girl. now i really like her and well i really dont know if she likes me, im not that good at reading signs from girls. when we talk, we really have good conversations. its pretty easy to talk to her and i guess she likes it to. at times she will try to trip me and i wonder if this is a sign that she may like me. she also acts really childish like around me and it kinda makes me attracted to her when she does. my parents really dont care what happens even though my mom says that she "looks" for me when we are both working. i would ask her out but i also kinda lack some of the confidence. i think she has a boyfriend but im not sure. i think the most important thing that happened that i believe says that she does in fact like me is that one day my mom called her on my phone without me knowing. then when i asked her if that was her # she said yes and i told her to erase it because i would never actually call her. instead she saved it with her name and said that if i was ever bored to call her. should i call her? should i ask her out? does she like me?

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It sounds to me like she likes you. If she gave you her number she is inviting you to get to know her better for a possible relationship. You should either call her or ask her at work if she is single. If she is, GO FOR IT! Ask her if she wants to go see a movie or somthing. Youll never know if you dont try.

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