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So mad I don't know what to do

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I recently moved to San Francisco leaving a very 'close' friend behind if you follow me. She was quite upset with my going (and is really the only reason I would have had to stay had we got together earlier) but now she is treating me like crap.


The night before I left I went out to see some friends of mine who called me late and she was at the same bar with this kid I hate. I told her to come out and hang out with me. She said she'd be out in a few and then came out and hung out with those kids I hate. We got in a little fight but whatever and I went home.


So I called her about three days after moving and she said she'd call me right back and I hung up. Never called me back.


Then I called her again and she told me how she had hooked up with three kids (all losers which has me disappointed) then she acted like she was bragging about it and said she had to jump in the shower and she'd call right back. Never did. That was about two days ago.


At first thought I thought she was doing it in a way to get back at me cause she was so upset i was leaving. But I don't know. I nkow that one of the girls at the bar i was with she doesn't like and maybe she thought we were there together cause we were talking all night even though we're just friends. I don't know what to think of it all and she really has me pissed cause I don't even know if I should call her again.


This girl has been my best friend for years and I can't believe she would insult me this way. At any rate advice appreciated.

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I can see no reason for her to act this way, except for her being upset at you leaving.


If you want to change things, I think you need to make a move. I think you need to say you are sorry that things between the two of you have been bad. That the only thing you wanted to keep with you when you left was your "friendship" with her, and she was the only reason you had misgivings about leaving.


Me, I would write a handwritten note and send it.

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I agree with Beec. He always writes such wise words


She is really frustrated by the sound of things. She might not admit it or know it herself but by her being a jerk like that is out of pure hurt in my opinion. Shes lashing out because she is too frustrated to talk to you about it so shes making a scene to attract your attention.


Send her that note.

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