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My Girlfriend kissed a girl and i think she liked it.


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so i've been with my girlfriend for a year and 3 months and about 4 months ago while she was at college i asked her not to hook up with other girls because she told me she has in the past before we started dating and then a week later she made out with and went down on her female room mate when they were really drunk. she didn't tell me for about a month. i'm really lost, i feel pretty betrayed. i'm mad because i told her not to do it and she did and then she hid it from me for a month. the trust issue is whats killing me. she said it was a mistake and that it will never happen again, but now that she is back at school living with the same room mate i'm getting very nervous about it like if i should trust her. i have prior trust issues stemming from my childhood and have a hard time trusting people. i want to stay with her but i don't know if i can handle the constant stress and worry.

advice please, im so lost.

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Even though, its girl on girl.

She cheated.

She knew you didn't want her to do it, she knew her past, she went out, got drunk, cheated on you, then hid it from you for a month, why? Because she knew you'd react like this.

There is nothing worse than one, being caught out, but two, being caught out after you've been hiding it for a period of time.


Personally, cheating should be a very, very strict rule in a relationship, and if she has cheated on you, its time to let go.

if she cannot handle her drink or cannot control what she does whilst she is drinking AND in a relationship, she should not be drinking more than she knows she can handle.


Have you talked to her and told her how you feel about this?

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well to be honest first of your not over reacting weather you have trust issues or not every one would feel betrayed. wethere she cheated on you with a guy or a girl cheating is cheating and its very wrong. there is no excuse for it and i think its time to let her go. because who knows whats going to keep her from cheating

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thank you guys you are very helpful. we have talked about it a few times and i have made it very clear that it really bothered me and im trying really hard not to over react about it. she means the world to me but i dont know what to do.
your not over reacting dont beat yourself for this man. its ok to hurt your just human. just make sure you think about yoursef and if you want to make it work try a cauncler
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thank you guys you are very helpful. we have talked about it a few times and i have made it very clear that it really bothered me and im trying really hard not to over react about it. she means the world to me but i dont know what to do.


Id react the same way if my boyfriend kissed and went down on a guy...

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typical bro thing to say. thanks for the intelligent response tommy.




Anyway OP don't take this crap.

Next thing you know she will try pulling out the "we're only friends" card in regards to her room mate to make it ok.

But still the issue stands, she is hooking up with someone else.

There is this BS belief that when two females get it on drunk, they are not cheating and it's hot therefore it's ok.

Usually encouraged by males like toxey.


Stand your ground show how much this upsets you, if she still can't keep her mouth away from the carpet then you need to bail on this girl.


Best of luck.

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I would say it doesn't matter that it happened only once or that she admitted that she f'd up. She cheated and lied. Dealbreaker for me, it would be over. Continue this relationsihp at your own risk, but as has already been pointed out, this is going to continue, so if you stay with her you're just in for lots of abuse and lying.

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