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did something change?

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hey, i just started school again and through the first couple days i began to notice things. Girls act differently to me than last year, the first day at lunch i sat down with a few friends and these two girls who have never talked to me before were sitting there too. While i was trying to eat they kept looking at me and looking away when i met their glance, thats weird because i dont think ive changed that much but yeah, a girl i had a huge crush on last year has popped up out of nowhere a couple of times in these first 3 days and hits my arm smiling and laughing at most everything i say, she gives that "puppy" look too sometimes. Girls in my classes giggle at everything i say (which is not very much, im shy and very quiet) one of them even walks in front of me and always turns her head to the side and looks back for what seems like longer and longer everytime so that its obvious shes watching me...during our football games when i come off of the field i take off my helmet and look into the stands to see who's up there, ill notice one or two of our cheerleaders turning their heads my way and when i look at them, eye contact is held but then they turn away a second or two later. I'm not an arrogant guy by any sense of the word (i hardly say anything to people unless i know them really well) but is all of this friendly contact? or did something really change? im not used to this much attention and i dont know, i dont really want people looking at me all of the time lol maybe im just being paranoid but if anyone could clarify it would be great.



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Hey man, i am basically the same way, but with guys. I have no idea what the deal is. Last year no guys what so ever, now its like the guys that i probably would have wanted last year are like all over me this year. I dont see it, i dont think changed any either. I think there is this one guy too, he is like everywhere i am. I had my 1st game yesterday and he was right there in the stands, right by us , the Marching band. We'll girls may just like you this year, maybe its your lucky year. Maybe you are a cutie. I know you dont like ppl looking at you but if its a girl u should be happy. You should be more than happy. try to be a bit friendly to them, see what happens. Maybe girls like the quiet guys this year. Who knows. Speak up and say something though. i mean if i was a girl that was checkin you out all the time and thought that you were just so cute and stuff, i would ddeeinatly want you to talk to me. I would fall over, well if it was like a flirt i would really fall over. Do you have instrest in these girls???? If you do yes go for it, get to know them. I hope i helped.

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omg,Amannamederic... you sound like me... im the shy, punk-dressed nerdy kid last year... but I have not changed the way I look at all (that I know of) and girls are always staring at me, bumping into me,and talking whilst looking at me...

what has changed???????why are ppl staring contently at me???

what happened to the lonley,punky nerd, who was never spoken to during the schooldays???


HELP ME DR.PHIL!!! PLEASE!!! lol, jk

but really, this is weird...give us some Ideas

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I notice that all three of you are 17 years old. Going into junior/senior year can do that I guess. I feel the similar though not quite the same. I have changed something about my looks (added a goatee did some exercise) but I know not everyone likes the goatee and I didn't really lose that much weight. I am also putting for more effort to be more social, and it seems to pay off. It is a lot harder for me because I go to an all boys school, but from what I can tell you do not so take advantage of these girls noticing you and go up to talk to them. Even if you don't hit it off or anything, having more female friends (or male Band) is quite rewarding.

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