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what should i do


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I was seeing this girl for three months. I like her alot i took her to an animal shelter for our first date and lunch because i used to charity work there and, I also work out at the same gym as her. So we were seeing each other and i fell for her then we hung out and she had dinner at my house. I asked her out and she was like give me more time so i gave her another couple weeks. Then asked her again and she asked me for some more time so the next night i gave her an all or nothing alternative. She said we could be friend i said all or nothing and i was like u obviously want nothing so im gonna hang up. She was like if u cant wait then yea and i was like why so u can go live up and hook up. Then i hung up didnt talk to her for two weeks go into work. I smile at her like u should do and be polite because i am not a mean or bad guy. She came up to me and asked if we could start talking and i said no i wasnt ready that alot has happened. She was like i should've done this two weeks ago but i want to be with you, im ready and i was like * * * . I was like i dont know of course i wanted to say yes but i need sometime. So i brought her lunch the other day because she was having a stressful day and then i brought up dating again. I was like im ready she was like no ur not and im like yea i am im going out of my way for you. So we fought and of course i didn't win. I look and have two possible options i can either let her go and tell her or just let her go, or i can tell her i want to be friends and just hang with other girls and kind of give her no attention and start seeing someone else. What should i do i told her what i wanted and she was like thats exactly what i wanted to hear and im like whats the problem she keeps bs'ing me. I see her mom at the gym and she tells me that she likes me but i dont see it.

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Just forget this girl. She's having way too much fun stringing you along. Three whole months, and she needs more time? Then two weeks later, she wants you, you eventually agree, then she turns you down, AGAIN. Sounds like a big ol' game to her.


Save yourself any more trouble and forget about her, and don't look back. Good luck.

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