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left confused...


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Hi, just looking for some general insight please, or if anyone has been in this situation before:


At work, i have a supervisor and have been working since Jan 2010 and throughout that period have good experience in my role. I have ambitions in the work-place, (who doesn't) but it seems like my attempts to progress get halted for some reason or another.


for example my supervisor decided to give some of his roles / duties whilst on annual leave to a staff member who joined 1 year after me. She is a capable person, but im left thinking... well shouldn't this be something I should be doing, as i've got more experience?

I have had some feedback that i have good days / bad days depending on mood, which i'll admit is a fair assessment. But perhaps he just doesnt like me for whatever reason.


has anyone been in this situation before, where people who start below you end up progressing above you, when you've had more experience in the work-place? what's the best way to deal with it?


I might have to accept that if i give off the wrong impression, then i need to work to improve how i come accross to people.


i do feel lucky to have this job, as the job market is dyer at the moment, but at the same time i want to progress but keep getting held back.

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Time spent is not an indicator for a supervisor --- it is maturity and follow-through. You've basically been told you are moody, which translates into inconsistent and not dependable. What happens if they leave something on your plate and you have a few bad days because of your mood.


You need to leave your personal life at home and put forth consisent effort at work.

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