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making out...?

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Ok, I know alot of you guys have kissed already and stuff...but from what my bf and his friends are saying, my bf wants to "make out" with me. (never did that before) Ok, so what exactly do you do when you making out?? And how?? And does making out involve tonge?? Does it have to?? And do you have to....um...."feel"....eachother....while doing it?? Where do you put your hands at??

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Before you start feeling pressured to just jump in all at once, have you kissed your guy yet? Just a peck on the cheek or on the lips? I wouldn't recommend that you suddenly start "making out" if you haven't covered the basics yet.


If you have, and you're ready to move on (because you really want to not because your boyfriend and his friends pressured you to), then just go with it. Take your kiss a little farther. Follow your instincts. You'll know what to do when the moment comes. Just do what feels right.

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Don't do anything you don't feel right about doing. Even if you allow him to start doing something, if you're not comfortable with it, stop him.


"Making out" is the act of kissing and fondling one another. It can easily go further than that. So keep a condom or two readily available *just in case*. But again, don't allow him (or anyone else) to pressure you into doing anything you're not comfortable with.

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as everyone has already mentioned, truly wait until you're ready. but making out does not necessarily include touching and feeling up. thats for more experienced maker outers lol. but yes, it does include tongue, just do what feels right, you'll get used to knowing what you both like, eachothers styles, trust me you will develop a style lol. but your hands can be around him, his around your waist, depending on your postion as well. but making out is really when you're french kissing for an extended period of time...i would say at least 2 minutes. that would be basic. but ya be comfortable with pecks and all.

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