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Does sex feel better without a condom?

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Yeah, I dont know personally, I dont want to use condoms with my boyfriend. We're both virgins, and neither of us have any diseases. I've been on the pill, but I know thats not 100% effective.


I've taken my pills correctly. Do you think that and spermicide is enough to prevent pregnancy, or should we just use condoms too?!

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When my girlfriend and I were talking about getting there, her dad (seriously, her dad) told her that having sex with a condom feels like playing the piano with gloves so we should consider some other form of contraception.


My dad told me he didn't know when I was 8 and I asked him what a condom was.




Her dad's so much cooler.

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Yes it feels better, but many ppl use it as a poor excuse not to use a condom leading to problems like STDs and pregnancy. Sex feels great even with a condom. However if your both in the clear, and your on the pill, then yep, by all mans go for it without a condom. It does feel better.

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Ok condoms are good. But without deffinently feels better. In my opinion it's better for both. I've been on the pill for 8 months and been having sex the whole time (with the same person). We haven't used any other kind of contreceptive and I'm not and haven't gotten pregnant, the pill works really good, but if you are really worried about it, then you should consider using a condom or spermicide. But the pill should be enough!! Be carefull though...don't miss a pill!!

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