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Billion operations per second

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A Student writes


It's interesting that the Feminine Principle is primary and significant.

But then how can the Bible commandment stating that wife should fear her husband be explained?

Even in everyday life Woman is humiliated as a Human being.

That's why women suffer more on the path of realizing life and themselves.

God, we have to live with that for a time being…


Simonov writes


How can the commandment be explained?

Why does it need to be explained?

"May wife fear her husband".

Are you afraid of your husband?

Do you want to be afraid?


And why were you touched by this particular line of the Scripture?

Why not take other landmark passages that resound in your heart?

"God is Love", for example.

"Love you neighbor as yourself". This is starting point of Love. Starting with Self.

It doesn't work any other way. If we speak about Love, of course, not about our egos.

Creation always takes special care about Woman.

Because Woman brings Life to Earth, she reveals new consciousness in each born child.

And Woman has a special organ to communicate with the Supreme – psychoenergetic Womb.

We will return to this in a little while. At this point I am explaining some terms that sound anew to you.

But you will soon discover that you have all this Knowledge, that it's close to you.

Right now it sounds unusual, because it is anew.

Woman's particular suffering that you were writing about is not an accurate definition of female life Path.

Those who are given more and asked more.

Sensation is a special Energy spectrum that is keen environment of a Woman.

It's the quality of superConsiousness; that is, the Consciousness of a PrimaryCause of the Universe.

Logic normally utilizes 5-7 operations per second.

Anything physical that human possesses – air jets, rockets, automobiles, computers – is the result of using 5-7 operations per second. This is a capacity of a man.

Meanwhile, intuition and feeling that Woman possesses are always 100 % ahead of man, because it's one billion operations per second.

Try to see now, who is protecting whom and who takes care of whom.

Bible and all laws that led evolutionary process till a certain point of time were merciful to man, saving him from Woman's Capacities.

And this was necessary at a primary stage of human evolution, when material world had to be created.

Now it has been revealed and created.

What next?

The new stage has come – the stage of spiritual perfection.

Evolution lies in refining sensibility.

Woman becomes a leader of evolutionary process.

The initial step to be taken is to balance the Masculine and the Feminine principles.

A bird can not fly on one wing.

The masculine had been profoundly revealed – the world has all the "male" characteristics.

But unless we discontinue this process we will perish to exist.

Only Woman, revealing her amazing divine capacities of Love, is able to balance the world.

It's a different Responsibility of Woman's self-actualization.

It's a different Knowledge.

It's different, by different, through different.

Everyone is aware of this, because everyone comes to Earth with perfect evolutionary program. But in the process of social adaptation this knowledge is suppressed and lost.

Being Conscious means is to accept This Responsibility for Evolutionary growth.

Both Man and Woman have to recall …

But Woman is primary.

Because She gives birth to the prospect.

And her personal consciousness and acceptance of the Responsibility for evolution on Earth significantly influence the QUALITY of consciousness that arrives to Earth through each child.


Harmony and balance of the Masculine and the Feminine principles is the "slogan" of Today's evolution.


* * *


Fulfilled with celebration,

Trembling in the wind,

I'll walk my path with Joy

As if with tenderness.


So that I can sing in admiration,

And dance, and,

enjoying my unexplored self,

I will accept the new.


* * *


Each time when one faces a Prospect,

One is afraid of the New.

This is natural.

The atavism of the past holds one back.

But further reaction depends

on Consciousness.

Fear will either mortify or inspire.

In the first case human falls out of evolution.

In the second – human obtains New Opportunities

for Growth and Perfection.

Do you know how to distinguish the first ones from the latter?

Alive from dead?

Speak with one about Love, Harmony, and Beauty.

And by the reaction you will know.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, Simonov... that went very deep. I have to tell you though, that I am still puzzled in how this relates to our forums. May be that you could give us some background on that some time? I would love to hear more about that.


Thank you for coming to eNotalone.com with these thoughts and helping those that are in need of it.


~ SwingFox ~

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