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Pretty confused right now...


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I ended things with my girlfriend about 2 months ago. She didn't take it very well and was having a hard time. She suggested we see each other once or twice every two weeks and see what happens. I declined. I didn't want to lead her on anymore just to see if things could work out. I don't want to break her heart twice. The truth is, I realize now that it's different with her. In the past, I would feel a little down at first then completely erase the past and move on happily. I still think about her. Most of the time I remember the good days, but I do my best to remember why I broke up with her and that it was for the best. She's a great person but a crappy girlfriend. She knows this and wants to change. Do people change?? It breaks my heart to know that she might change to be an amazing girlfriend, but not to me. I feel like I was a guinea pig for her to test her relationship skills on. Not fair. I'm not saying that I always right, but I strongly believe that I was a great boyfriend to her otherwise I don't think she'd want to try again. I Couldn't do it anymore.

She's been away for a little while for work. She's become friends with mostly guys on facebook lately, and most of the pictures she posts are with other guys. I'm happy for her, she's having a blast. But why does seeing her with other men bother me?? I might still want to be with her but something inside me is saying "don't you dare go back to her".

Very confused

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If you can't accept someone for who they are you shouldn't be with them. People can change small things about themselves but not their basic character.


Right now you just want her because you realize she's attractive to other men. It's just jealousy. Let it go. You had a reason you broke up with her, has that changed?? Likely not, so why go back there.

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I know what you're saying. It just seems like deep inside I felt like the breakup was a mistake and we could have fixed things. These pictures are just making these feelings more apparent, if that makes sense. I just don't want to be the guy who wants his ex back when it's too late. I really gotta think this through, this might just be jealousy and self esteem playing with my head.

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Seems to me that you were taking your ex for granted and you still are, especially because she didn't take it well when you ended it.

Now, 2 months later, are you stil expecting her to be there?


In my opinion the thing that bothers you now is that she didn't stay home crying for you, she's healing instead (if she's not healed already).

You have made up your mind to let her go and she's moving on. And that hurts. I know how you feel now, like a pig and jealous. Been there done that and it sucked!

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