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Where should I be looking for a new job...?


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I've been working at a retail store for about three years, now. It's the only job I've ever had, and I only intended it to be a transitional thing, until I could finish college and find something better. But, I've been dragging my feet through college, and I can't figure out what I want to do, but I'm sick of working in retail. I absolutely completely hate it, and I want to do something else now, but I'm under the assumption that, without a college degree (and being that I have no other particular skills or qualifications), the only jobs I'd be able to get are other retail or service jobs.


At the same time, I don't want to just quit my job, because it's steady part time work, and I need the paycheck to get by, really. But I just don't know where to look for work that I'd actually be considered for. I sure as hell don't want to end up being a retail "lifer", but my college aspirations are still very uncertain, and like I said, I don't have any other skills or qualifications. So where does that leave me?

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What about doing some volunteer work in a field that interests you? Then you'll gain some skills which may lead to a paying job. Everybody has SOME skillset. What are you good at? Even in the retail job you have - what parts are you particularly good in?

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What about doing some volunteer work in a field that interests you? Then you'll gain some skills which may lead to a paying job. Everybody has SOME skillset. What are you good at? Even in the retail job you have - what parts are you particularly good in?


Eh, I dunno that I'm good at anything with my retail job, mostly because they never give me much of a chance to do anything except cashiering. Up until about a year or two ago, they had another cashier, so I'd more frequently get to be on the sales floor, and doing stock, and whatnot, but then they had to let the cashier go because they didn't have the payroll for them anymore, and I've gotten stuck in that role since then.


As far as other skills or interests, I don't know, really. I guess I'm decent with computers, and that's basically the direction I've been going in in college, but none of the specific computer-related majors have seemed like something I think I can follow through on, or that I'd be happy with if I did follow through on.


I'm not necessarily against the idea of volunteer work, but once college classes start up again in a few weeks, I'm not going to have much time between school work and my part time job to do volunteer work.

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You could look for entry level work in an office. I avoided retail/restaurant industries all together when I was putting myself through school. I worked as a receptionist in an office, and did admin work. Got my BA and worked myself up to a management position and now have a great job as a career counsellor at a university. My job is totally not related to my degree by the way!! I, too, had NO idea what I wanted to do/be. I just knew I needed to complete my degree and then I just started working and eventually I "fell" into a job I love.

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Just out curiosity, but how worthwhile would a degree in business and/ or business management be? Is that good, or too general? I'm looking at the courses required for the associates degree at my community college, and I've already taken about half of them, and the rest seem like they should be pretty doable. I've never really considered a career in business (and especially not in a management position), but I dunno, the fact that the course actually seems doable to me is pretty attractive.


Also, within the last day or two, I've got it in my head that it'd be kinda neat to start a business. I mean, obviously I'm not going to jump on that now, when it's not anywhere near feasible for me, but the idea kind of intrigues me. Especially if I could find some people that would want to start a business, too, that I could work with. Hm.

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