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Interesting thought need opinions

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I had a question for everyone out there. I had playing with this idea lately and I know that most of the advice on here has been to kind of stay clear of wanting to get back with the ex as most of us haven't had any luck ourselves so why torture ourselves right? Something like that anyways lol.


Anyways, I was just thinking to myself how my ex gf said she's always had problems fitting into life thinking she was an outcast (funny how you meet someone who's SO MUCH like you, you think the cure would be for you two to end up together and be there for each other forever because you are the ones who truly get each other... not the case obviously and anyways she always told me her "song" was "She" by Green Day. It basically said how it drove her nuts how it would seem like she was this social outcast and that no one wanted to be with her and that is why she was always expressing frustration in an non-obvious way.


Get this, she said that she makes better friends with guys because girls are all about "Ooooo he's cute" and "we should get our nails done", you get the idea. She said that she doesn't play into all of that stuff so she doesn't feel she relates to girls much at all. Her reason for believing she doesn't have many "girl" friends because she isn't into that kind of stuff that they are. So she told me how she always found herself being better friends with guys because she found them to be more intelligent and more down to earth than airy girls. In this process I think she started thinking that guys liked her because SHE wasn't all airy and was cool and like "one of the guys" which MIGHT be the case, but I think there was a confusion in the attention department. Here's my theory on it.


She thinks that guys like her because she's different and she brings something to the table most girls won't - a chick they probably think is really cool and so she thinks the attention is because of them wanting to be friends with a girl that isn't all about getting her hair done, complaining about everything and doesn't know how to just have fun everywhere without spending $$$. Now here's my thought, it's BECAUSE she's so different and cool and laid back that a lot of guys WANT TO "GET" with her if you know what I mean because she's unlike anything a lot of guys have met. I don't know if that sounds far-fetched, but most WANT to be with her thinking they'll get a chance to get into her pants and she says she hates it. She said she hates how guys always seem like they want to get into her pants and I honestly think that is the whole ROOT of the problem she has with herself.


Either she gets attention from guys who want to "get" with her or she doesn't get any attention at all because no girls want to be her friend and because she can't relate to girls. I believe this is honestly how she thinks about things and is the root of her change in behaviour and her frustration with people. Not because she doesn't like the attention, but rather the frustration that she can't just make friends without them wanting to get in her pants as she's looking for acceptance. It's like because guys only want to be friends with her in hopes they'll into her pants, that she's frustrated because she just wants to be liked for her and not for the hole between her legs. Disgusting sounding yes, but this could help explain her behaviour for being so obsessed with this new group of friends she has found.


Far-fetched, perhaps. I want to know what you all think, please don't respond with negative advice like "you're obsessed about all of this." or "you think tooooo much" or basically anything that doesn't really help me at all. I just want to know if this makes sense at all. As to be honest this is the FIRST time in like a month that I've actually thought this deep about my ex as this was COMPLETELY fluke here. This to me honestly makes a LOT of sense and does explain a lot, this concept is COMPLETELY new to me. Tell me what you all think please.



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sounds like to me she just wants to be liked but not in a sexul way . im a guy i have more ;gurl: friends then guys . weird huh. i have delt with something like what you are talking about . but to me friends are just that and we are really close friends it would be like sleeping with a sister yuck.

lets face it us guys can only think of one thing at time is she really close with the new pepol she call's her friends . or did she just meet them half of my gurl friends i have know for a really long time yhea there has been a couple of times things happened but aging but thats another store . a close friend would not . but some times it is hard not to fall for someone that you have known for a long times and she sounds like the perfict women . or she could be just hanging around the wrong bunch now adays most men are just out to have a good time . well i don't know if this will bring you any help but i do hope it dose help a littel 8)

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In high school, I had girls that I talked to, but only one was close enough to call a girlfriend; all of my closest friends were guys! And the best ones never made a play for me, ever....I think she may be feeding off the attention she gets from them, but doesn't want to follow through with the sex...It's like a girl dressing like a ho then saying she isn't for sale...I may be wrong about her; but it is possible for male/female friendships as hardcore pointed out, and still have a one on one relationship with someone.


Hardcore was my friend, we got close, now he's gone; I REALLY miss him!

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