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I'm a sophmore in hs but 14 what will guys think

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Hey all,


I'm a sophmore in high school but im only 14 i look about 17 though and im really mature for my age cos of the stuff i've gone through in life. Anyways i wanted to know if because of my age juniors that are 17 won't want to date me while im still 14 even though i'm just a year below them, but really have 2-3 years in age difference.


Thanx for reading my post, i hope u can help me out

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Hey! I dont think age is an issue, its just being comfortable with who you are with. You are younger though, so dont be pressured into doing things that you aren't comfortable with. I'm 17, and my bf is 20, and we have the most outstanding relationship. I am mature for my age, so an older guy is perfect for me!!

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