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Had been doing so well until I saw his dumb mug in the newspaper...

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I was having a coffee/ reading the weekend newspaper this morning, and the career section had done a short interview with my ex about his job At first my mind was pretty slow, and couldn't comprehend what I was seeing (since a picture was included) but then as I realised I got pretty upset. I was actually really surprised at how much it shook me, since I haven't talked to him in about 2 months and have been feeling really good about my life lately. Yesterday I felt great, it was 3 months since the BU and I can honestly say my life is better now. I was too surprised to read the whole thing, but needless to say, it felt like a slap in the face after deleting his number, deleting him off my FB friend's list and strictly following NC. I managed not to cry, but my incessant sniffing probably bugged the table next to me. The funny thing is, the weekend paper wasn't delivered this morning, and if I hadn't taken the opportunity to read it in the cafe, I would have been none the wiser. I texted my friend pretty soon after, she told me to put down the paper and go to her house and where I whinged to her a little. I feel a much better now, and I'm still proud of how far I've come in these past few weeks....I just wish I could have seen it and thought "how funny!" rather than have a mild anxiety attack.


Stupid newspaper.

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Lol sorry for laughing but thats really unexpected. Ex's are like some kind of pests that you just cant get rid of, huh?


Youre doing great. Brush the dust off your shoulder and keep on going


This made me laugh. I guess it is pretty funny, I'm sure in a few days I'll be laughing at how unfortunate a coincidence it was. Despite all the emotions in me at the time, I also noticed he needed a hair cut. I'm giggling now...

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lol They are just everywhere, aren't they At least you did the right thing, texting a friend and going there. Well done for reaching out for support when you need it


Aw thanks for the kind words. Today is SOOO much better, I couldn't help but laugh when I told some friend's about it. It's actually been a good indicator of how far I've come. A few weeks ago I probably would have been shattered and would have kept returning to the article to cry/torture myself. Now, despite the initial surprise, I'm able to see the funny side. I'm actually glad I saw it now, because it's shown me how the effort I've put in to moving forward in my life has paid off.

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