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No Contact for 3 weeks... send her an text.. get response!

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Hi All - have written before about my drama's on here... In a nutshella s follows:


- break up with gf of 13 month very intense relationship

- she needs space and needs to find herself... has difficulty in leaving me as she doesnt want to lose me... says she is still in love with me when we decided to call it a day

- post break up - i get accused of stalking etc and she is outrageous.. says she never wants to have anything to do with me ever again.. over reaction i think... she turns 180 degrees

- so i do the NC for a while... left her alone and give her space..

- then I contact


I contacted her by text saying that I have some photos that she may want to have a copy of... very light hearted... no I miss you or anything like that! Did not think I owuld get a response... but I did. She responds by saying Yes Please - if you could put them through the post that would be great! So I iwll


NOW - I will send them next week! What I want to ask is should I put with the letters a short note saying Hi, hope you are well bla bla bla and also apologise to an extent for allowing things to get messy as they did. There was a lot of riff-raff going on and misunderstandings that caused things to get unnecessarily heated... Maybe she has calmed down and is willing to accept the apology.


Is it a good idea? If not, what should I write.. should I avoid the topic completely and just say hope you are well... I do not want this girl back but would like to be civil and at least be able to communicate from time to time


Your response would be appreciated!

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Well honestly if it was me, I wouldn't send any message, just the pictures. Then maybe wait a week, two would be better and IM again and ask if she got them. She if she starts up a conversation. She probably will if she gets the idea that you are just being real and not attempting to push things in any given direction.


Also be sure to be the one that cuts off the conversation. If you do this I bet she will make the contact next time. Just remember, be patient. To rush things along. Make another lady friend if it helps you to keep you mind of this one.


You obviosly want to get back with this girl, or atleast try to be friends. Believe me when I say that attempting to approch her will not work, and will only back fire. If she doesn't come to you, then she is completely not interested in you need to move on.


If she doesn't, then she might let you back into your life somewhat just because she doesn't want to be an @ss to you. You will think more of whats happening then what really is, and end up alone again in the end.

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I'd include a brief note, very casual, along the lines of "Hope you're well, sorry for all the drama, won't be in touch again unless you make the move." Then leave it at that and stay true to your word. If she contacts you, great; if not, back off and let it go. You may not believe you were truly stalking her (and not knowing the situation, I'm not casting an opinion either way), but even if you weren't and she's just being a horror, the last thing you need is for a restraining order to be brought against you for a perceived threat.

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