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my wife has just left me :(

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afte being together for fourteen years married for seven she has decided we have nowhere else to go

I didnt even realise we had problems but thought our love was everything

there is just a huge gaping hole inside and it thurts so much to not be be with her

It really feels that I ahve nothing left in my life

I have had to move back upcountry to live with my parents am doing a meaningless job and just cant see the way forward

I know this sounds self pitying but it does feel like my world has ended and there is nothing left for me in life anymore

thanks for reading this probably has been said so many times but she is my love of my life I thought we weer solumates and were going to grow old together



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I am sorry to hear this Gav.


It sounds like you both started dating very young, I wonder if maybe she is feeling like she never got to experience life - single and free - like many people want to do when they are young and able.


Take care of yourself right now - work out, find a new job. Improve yourself, she might just find out the grass is not greener! Don't plead, beg, be emotional in front of her. Think of what went wrong and try and work on how YOU can improve yourself so those are not issues.

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Sorry to hear things seem so bleak. That's a long time to be with someone have and them leave. Did she give you an explanation?


I know no matter what anyone says right now, you are going to feel hurt and pain. It will take a long time, but you will get through it, and that hole in your heart will heal.

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Sorry to hear about this Gav. Who knows why people do what they do?

I would like to encourage you to use this time to yourself to your advantage, though. Like re-discover your likes and dislikes, self improvement time. That way maybe you can be more of a "whole" person when you enter a new relationship farther down the road.

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that is horreble i cant believe someone would do that after so long. its a damn shame but dont feel bad. if u were good to her and she left u that just means that she was blind. did she tell u how she was feeling ? her problems ? there is always a good reason. in most case's espcialy mine she found someone else she could be happy with.

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i went t hrough the same thing and going threw it again with the same person if u read my forum....im still having trouble getting over her but im trying to move on and forget and just be free and do whatever whenever just try to keep busy and dont think about her as much its hard to do it i know but u have to in order to move on.....i still have to talk to her and see her cause we have two kids that makes it harder but im trying to be strong and im avoiding her as much as possible...

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thanks for the replys but I just dont know what I am any more

she has been my whole life for so long I havent got any of me left to cope

I would do anything for her

but she doesn't seem to hear what I say any more we are now 250 miles apart she has a new bloke moved in (a "mate" of mine!)

how can I show her that we could have everything we want??

she is my whole world and has been for ever

thanks for taking the time to read this folks



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Gav, I know this is REALLY hard, but if she has moved in with someone else, it's over. You really have to think about yourself and what you deserve. I know that it's awful to have to think about moving on, but you have to. Just try to remember what you would tell a good friend if they were in your situation. I think you would tell him he deserves better. Someone who is there for him equally. A relationship requires two people equally committed to work. You both have to want it and you both have to work at it. If one wants it more than the other, it NEVER works.


And if someone has started seeing someone new, then it's time to stop thinking about them and start considering your own life. I know it's hard. Although my own situation is different, it's still heartbreaking none-the-less. However, just remember, you don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. Keep moving forward and each hour will turn into a day, each day a week, and so on. Before you know it, she will be a distant memory, and you will be with someone who deserves you.


Keep posting, keep talking, and journal if you can. Counselling will help. But remember "no one ever died from a broken heart". You are young and there are many more deserving women out there.

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Hi Gav,

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I understand how you feel.


I hope that you can find comfort here with us.


I know you probably don't see it now but you will get past this. You have your whole life ahead of you and so many more things to live even if you can't see this now. One day you will. I hope it is soon.


You do not say if you have any children. Do you?


Much love

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Luckily there a no children involved

thanks for all you thoughts and maybe I will come out the other side but at the moment it just eems that ther is no point in anything

trying to get out and about but it all seems so hard and I just feel so alone and worthless


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Hello Gav...don't let this pull you down so much... I know that is easier said than done, but still it's true. You most certainly will come out on the other side, and believe me, although it will look dark now, there is light at the end of the tunnel...


Ok, enough metaphors for today. I had a pretty tough break up myself and I still have moments when things feel pointless and all that, but I am getting better every day. And so will you. Right know you most certainly feel like cr*p, but it does get better. Just don't give up...

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Gav hang in there sweetie. Things will get better but it takes time. Be strong and be good to yourself.


Whatever you are feeling---you can let it out here. Let us be here for you at this time in your life... you shouldn't be going through this alone. 8)



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