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What to choose as a career at 26? Give up working in an office?

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Could really use advice.


I have been working as an admin for basically 4 years after college, almost 27 and basically plan to quit in a few months regardless if i have something else. I just had enough of the tedious work and also really just need a change. I have become very tired of the same routine. I feel i don't belong there anymore. I just moved on emotionally and mentally.


With that being said I have been really debating about my next step. I found myself pretty frustrated in the office i am in at times...its an open type space where i sit so basically no privacy at all, someone always walking by, and you hear people's conversations that were loud or whispering. I couldn't take either. All the sounds bothered me at times--people's conversations, printers, phone calls. And it seems there is too much gossip at my place b/c it's small(althought i am sure it goes on everywhere). I can't stand someone trying to be all up in someone's business for no reason.


I started to think maybe I just don't like working in an office because you do become like "family" where people are going to be nosy, talk about the other person, feel entitled to information etc.


I just think after a few years I get tired of the same routine or feel things change enough where it's time to move on.



I was thinking of going into HR which might allow me to feel a little more proud of what i do for a living, help solve problems around the office, help employees, plan for events and maybe i just need to get lucky with the type of company it is.


The other issue is...maybe i just don't like working in an office at all?? What are some non-office type jobs? or jobs that allow some flexibility? I actually feel stressed with 9-5! which is pretty pathetic i know. I just feel too tired at times after work to go to the gym or even go out a little bit. I wish i had a little more time off at times. Commuting in the morning and seeing people miserable is even getting to me.


I was considering becoming a teacher and to try to join the nyc teaching fellowship program. I looked up videos on youtube and it seems VERY stressful and basically just babysitting with the kids behavior. It seemed scary to handle actually. I like the idea of helping others and teaching small kids..noone older than the 5 or 6th grade though because i don't think i can handle it. I am not sure if i can actually choose the grade?


Dental assistant as a career? what are other jobs are there? I am really stumped and feeling pressure with myself to make a decision and i just can't seem to make one..

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MJJ - you're so all over the board with your career options. lol. I highly suggest you take an aptitude test. Find out what you're really good at and enjoy, and then find that job. Then you'll never be bored or unhappy with your work, and that alone will make for a very happy life.

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