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Revenge: How I Got It


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In what world is female suicide given more attention? Women are usually belittled over their feelings or people will just assume they can't possibly be suicidal "look at that cute girl, she doesn't look like she could be suicidal" (when speaking of an adult woman).


Honestly most of your posts have a strong bias towards men as if you almost can't relate to the female perspective. Hopefully you can make some friendships with woman and see a more balanced view of things.


I just googled suicide women, and it got more results than suicide men. Now, this is by no means a be all end all method for telling what receives more attention, but keep in mind that "men" is also used as a general term that means human, and the word "men" alone produces way more search results than "women", as shorter words typically do. So despite that, suicide women STILL gets more search results? Doesn't that tell you that men's suicide at least MIGHT be downplayed and MIGHT receive less attention than women's? I'm not calling it proof, but seeing that should at least make you question your preconceived notions.


I have female friends, ones whom I haven't dated, and they do help me get perspective on things. They tend to agree with me on most things, and offer valuable insight on the things they don't agree on.

The more you type, the deeper hole you dig. It's always obvious when someone attended "University of Google."

Very funny. I have access to scifinder through my uni, would you rather me find information published by people with more prestigious degrees than yours in that way instead?

Iakasot- anybody who has taken even a high school level course in statistics would see a major flaw in your sampling. They are all your friends. This is not a random sampling and is only pseudo-intellectuallism at best.

I'm not denying that my sample isn't totally random, but no sample truly is. That's why you will always see people from traditional sciences such as chem and physics criticizing the research methods in psychology. Yet psychology continues to be recognized as a science, despite some of its research methods being more 'laxed. Even drug testing studies are often criticized for their methods. There's VERY few studies which are criticism free in any science. There's one thing that makes me feel at peace with my "study" though (I do realize calling it a real study is a joke, that's why I used quotations), the fact that its statistics are similar to the break-up and divorce statistics achieved with larger more random (but still not totally random) samples by other people who do this for a living.

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MY preconceived notions? I never said women or men get more attention I was only refuting your preconceived notion as something far too flimsy to be held up as truth. And again with the google? Okay let's look at this.. for men, 113,000,000 results and for women 115,000,000 results. The difference between the two is 2,000,000 which is only about 1.7% of the total results for women. With numbers this large that is not a huge difference.


Now, let's look at the first page of results for women (search women suicide):

-first two are about both women and men

-third is about a woman being mocked on facebook for suicide posting saying goodbye

-fourth is "why women are less likely to commit suicide"

-sixth is about an unstable woman failing to commit suicide


Now men:

-first three are only about men and some why they are more at risk

-fourth is why women are less likely to commit suicide than men


Even your little google search actually supports my claim that women are not getting preferential treatment. You are spinning the context of information to support your claims of your bias.


Obviously many psychology experiments have some degree of skew in the pool or participants but nothing as glaringly obvious as "these people are all my friends". Let's consider reasons your sampling is faulty: the men you hang out with are more desperate, the women not as interested in relationships currently, the men/women may not be a good respresentation of the average person in our society or world. The factor here binding them all together is you and you are the only one collecting the data. But please try to publish your research and have it peer reviewed. Don't be surprised if we would have saved you a lot of time though.

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You're cherry picking from the results, and in addition your sample size is only 4, which means it has no statistical significance to millions of results. If you wanna document 5 pages of results, n = 50 isn't as bad, I know it's still not a random sample, but I might just agree with your point anyway if you articulate it well enough in that case, otherwise it's pretty moot. My google search doesn't technically support your claim until you document a large random sample, to claim that it does is to be hypocritical of what you've been trying to tell me about statistics. And please don't say you're trying to give me a taste of my own medicine, that's the oldest trick in the book for saving face.


Men's suicide should have at least 115mil x 4 = 460,000,000 results, because there's 4 times as many men as women dying, that's my point, but it has LESS results than women, even though 'men' alone gets 3,350,000,000 and 'women' alone only gets 2,400,000,000. When you look at suicide prevention websites, they typically have more pictures of women, and more stories about women. That to me isn't fair, because there's more men dying. I don't think there's any point in arguing, as I'm not gonna convince you how much more serious male suicide is and to spread awareness about it. Have a great day.

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Let me bring this topic back on track.


I'm sorry but your revenge was kinda of sad. I hope you at least enjoyed the sex.


Here's a better revenge:


Girl dumps Boy after a year of dating for another guy. Boy gets buff learned new stuff and got a better girl after 6 months. Boy ran into Girl at a grocery store after another 6 months, their conversation:


Girl: Hi!

Boy: How are you?

Girl: I'm doing ok.

Boy: Good stuff.

Girl: I heard you've been doing really well and you look super happy.

Boy: Yeah I'm doing ok.

Girl: Hey, I'm wondering if we can maybe hang out sometime...

Boy(with a huge smirk): Nah... I think you were right the first time.


True story from a friend of mine. The best revenge is indifference and doing better

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  • 4 weeks later...
Personally, I never particularly thought of you as cruel, vindictive, childish, or anything. I just happen to think YOU are the one who got played, that's all.


Yeah, it kind of sounds like she wasn't really ready to have sex with the new guy, so she came home to you to get some while she played it straight with mr. newbie. Now who got used?


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Criticism is cool, I don't mind it. but to tell ME how I think and how I feel, and playing armchair psychologist is a little over the top. You're not me, and that's probably a good thing haha. Yes, I'm capable of some pretty treacherous things, there's no denying that. I did what I did, I have no remorse, and I don't feel bad at all. I know how I feel about it, and why I did it. If you choose not to accept then that's fine, but I really am being completely honest no matter how sadistic it looks.


My guess is that you were a sociopath from the beginning, so no, I don't feel sorry for you.

Clue by four: you have no remorse for something that would make even the most hardened of us ashamed....


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greywolf, you're not gonna fall in love with someone knowing they're a liar and a user, and dangerous to your well-being.


I have done just that and I've loved him unapologetically! I knew he had anger issues with women and was sometimes angry and aggressive with others when he didn't get his way. He had narcissistic traits and borderline too. I didn't really fall out of love with him, I just left it that our relationship didn't work out too well for me, and had some quirks that I just couldn't get used to. I forgave him for his faults, without letting things get to the level that they hurt me.



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This person wanted revenge and he found his motives to be the catalyst for going through with it. He did not commit a criminal act. It was an act between consenting adults. I think it achieved the desired effect. I'm not sure how to summarize this situation as everybody has an opinion.

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Revenge is a dish best served cold. Cold as in don't even respond. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Not to mention I don't see how it's revenge if she got what she wanted? It does take two to have sex, right? So she got the attention from you that she wanted, and I'd put money on you caving in if she came over and wanted to have sex again. Sorry, that's not revenge. She played YOU.

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  • 5 months later...

Cheaters absolutley disgust me to no end. I dont care what justification is needed. If you were in a relationshio you wereny happy with, you wouldnt string them along while you decide to "follow your heart" and bang whoever you decide to.


I could never in my life fathom how someone could possibly cheat. No one deserves to be cheated on, only a cheater deserves to be cheated on. But then in the sense of revenge: cheating on the one who cheated, then you deserve to be cheated on as well since youve cheated too. As ive said, there is NEVER a justification for cheating


What im getting at is, what goes around comes around. I really like the idea of making a cheater feel like absolute crap through revenge. Thougj i simply could never do it. Its a paradox for me really: do nothing, youre a beta male that got cheated on for whatever reason but at the samr time you handled it maturely. However revenge settles the score and shows you dont take crap, but on the other hand, youve become the scum you despised.


I dont know what id do if a girl cheated on me tbh, but spitting in her face and never speaking to her again seems subtle enough.

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^ I thought the same thing, she may just wanted to have sex. And then when you drop the bombshell by not contacting or blowing her off she may have hung the phone up and said "oh well" and went about her day.


I thought this too.


I think people i getting caught up with gender wars.


He wanted her to feel "dirty", i guess because she is a woman and had sex he assumes she will feel "dirty" because that how woman should feel right when she have sex and then rejected..haha..No. Mate, she cheated on you. Then she cheated on her current bf with you. I dont think shes sitting at home feeling "dirty" anymore than you are


But....you got to reject her which is what you wanted. So congrats i guess. I think you are just being honest. It wouldn't work for me but it does for you and it made you happy.

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I thought this too.


I think people i getting caught up with gender wars.


He wanted her to feel "dirty", i guess because she is a woman and had sex he assumes she will feel "dirty" because that how woman should feel right when she have sex and then rejected..haha..No. Mate, she cheated on you. Then she cheated on her current bf with you. I dont think shes sitting at home feeling "dirty" anymore than you are


But....you got to reject her which is what you wanted. So congrats i guess. I think you are just being honest. It wouldn't work for me but it does for you and it made you happy.


I agree with the above. I don't think this girl was devastated at all after you "dumped" her. Women like sex for sex's sake too, if anything the OP was the one who allowed himself to be used. You were just a dildo to her, romantic interest in you was low.

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