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im new here, i miss my true love :(

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i have had this on again/off again relationship with my ex bf, i just broke it off with him 2 months ago because i had some emotional issues i had to deal with, first of all big mistake! i didnt mean to push him away and now i want him back more than ever me and him are still friends but we hardly talk to each other anymore, i try calling but he never picks up, im afraid that he has found someone else, i know he still cares for me because last time we talked he kept calling me baby and honey a whole lot and that made me feel good, but we havent talked since then, im trying this NC rule thing, hoping that he calls me but i really want to call him and tell him how much i want him back now before he falls in love with another girl, i need to know what to say to him that could make him realize that we are meant to be together forever, any advice? or should i continue NC for awhile? [/i][/b]

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You should call him. he may think you still need space. if he has found someone new, then that is the price you pay for leaving. Either way, you will both know where you stand with each other. I do, however, suggest trying to go out as friends, increase the contact if things go well, then when things feel comfortable, let him know how you feel.

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