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It was my Birthday and he could not even say Happy Birthday!

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It was my Birthday and he could not even wsh me a Happy Birthday!

It has been 24 days since the break up and 15 days of NC. But, the way I see it is really am I just a piece of crap. Like what we had was not real, and especially since our break was because it was a LDR, not any cheating, fighting or anything major happened etc. I thought he would have at least had some respect and kindness to say Happy Birthday... I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo upset, all I do it cry. I don't feel any better since day one of this whole nightmare.....

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I am only NC because I am so upset over how he just ended. It is not like I want to be. After his last email to me saying how he has to leave and it could be a huge mistake, only time will tell. I go so sick to my stomach that I just ended up not replying or talking to him. I thought maybe he felt like I was so mad that he broke it off and felt weird contacting me for my B-Day. I don't know! All I know is our relationship ended for no good reason at all. How do you let something go when nothing bad caused the break up?

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To show her that he cares. Hey at least yours didn't break up with you on your birthday like my ex did. In your case though it doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't care. It's possible he does, but doesn't want to break NC because it would actually slow down the healing process.

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Yeah, with NC you pretty much never talk to each other unless absolutely necessary (ie, kids are involved, maybe a traumatic accident in the family, etc). It's just the way it is. You wanted him to contact you, but maybe he figured that if he did say something to you, he would dominate your thoughts all day on what should be YOUR day. I don't see it as maliciousness, just the standard NC. I'm sure you are NOT a piece of crap.

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