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A question about hating your ex?

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Well I have a question, Have you ever dumped someone, and they really did something to irk you that you almost hated them or you did hate them and cussed them out and then go back to the person you dumped? If so what was it, and what happened that they came back to you. If you didn't go back to them did you ever at least become friends or do you not talk to them anymore?

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Ya - I've had this happen - about a year ago I broke up with my exboyfriend - for another guy. Well he was quite pissed off at me about it - but u know we lived together still and it took us awhile to move out -


Well, we thought about getting back together later because he was one of the people trying to rescue me from this other guy, but we just realized it was not in our best interests to get back together - mainly because it didn't work out in the first place - and what if everything happens all over again.


Well, ya I had to go back to him for favours and stuff, mainly because he was still there for me as a friend. But, it got to the point where I realized he is very bitter about what I did, and even if we tried to hang out and be friends that bitterness kept coming through.


So, I pretty much broke contact with him, quit seeing him, blocked his phone number and email address... you know, it was tough but it was just the way it had to be. I think its so hard to be friends after a breakup and for me now, theres no use even trying.


Good luck.

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