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Want to leave my job.

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I am unhappy at my job..just sort of feel stuck and feel if i don't leave nothing in my life is going to change. The company is not bad but I just feel like I will always be doing what I am doing..tedious admin work..alot of times labor intensive standing on my feet preparing materials, boxing up materials etc. I know i should be happy I have a job but it's not enough anymore. It seems like it will take years for that to be taken away and I am 26 and at the point where I am starting to panic about all the loose ends..a job that isn't going anywhere, no serious b/f etc.


My main coworker told me something that will pretty much lock me into this job for another year if i don't leave by september. She would be gone for a few months and basically alot of tedious admin things would fall on me. At that point i wouldn't be able to take another job if i wanted to b/c i wouldn't leave the company like that. So i would need to leave september or stay another year which i really don't want to do. Apart of me thought of this as a sign that this is the time to leave even if i don't have another job lined up. I have been applying. I was thinking maybe i can take a certification class at night or an internship to keep my resume going if i can't find anything. Maybe even consider taking a fellowship to consider being a teacher. I am with family right now so that's good but I definitely don't want to be unemployed for a year or two.


My problem is basically the fact I still don't know what I really want to do but i just feel like I need to make changes and maybe one change will cause everything else to change in a positive way i hope.

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What kind of internship would you want? I think taking classes is a good idea. Do you know of anything you want to do? Not necessarily as a specific career, but do you think you want to work with people? Animals? Maybe travel? What are you passionate about?

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i am locked into this job for another year meaning once she leave for those few months--it's just me and I can't take a job offer and leave abruptly like that..the new person would have to be trained and know the little tedious details which would take alot more than 2 weeks notice. That's what I mean--i wouldn't leave like that since it isn't a horrible place; it's just a horrible dead end position i am in. Which is why i am thinking of leaving months prior to when my coworker will be gone for those few months..and in that way they will have time to train someone new. I am thinking of myself but also them.


I was considering taking an hr certification class and maybe an hr internship as well and that way I will have more to place on my resume and add to my cover letter and this could possibly lead to more of a career with decent pay down the line.


I was also considering a fellowship for teaching but not sure if i want to go that route..i know they don't make that much and down the line it probably would be hard for me to buy a house or something on my salary. But I think i could work well with kids.

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was hoping for more responses.


I need a reason for why I am quitting when I tell my boss..I dont just want to say I am quitting..she will then think it is due to my coworker and me not wanting to handle all that extra work when she is gone..which is partially true b/c it is tedious tedious work (copying and scanning hundreds of reports and sending them out) and I am just over it and 100% want to roll the dice and see what can happen next.


I was thinking of telling her my old boss offered me something to help out in HR and I will be taking some certification classes. When it is time for a new job to call her for a reference I could possibly tell her that position fell through and i decided to take classes and travel a bit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i just hope i am not making a huge huge mistake by leaving without having another job.


I just feel completely stuck there and really just want a change..i am looking forward to my deadline of leaving and the hope of finding something else even a part time position to just get my through for a little while..i feel 100% i outgrew my time there. Ready for new scenary, new faces etc. It's been 4 years.


I am lucky where i am with family and i don't have kids or marriage..one person told me basically this is my time to take these sort of chances, i don't have that other stuff stopping me


So basically it is just me taking a gamble, getting organized, making myself happier and hoping something better comes along. I know the job market is still completely tough out there so i am a little nervous but at the same time trying to remain hopeful.


Am i being crazy?

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How old are you? that is important to gauge where you are in life and do you have enough money to support yourself for a extended period of time?


Sometimes you got to take that gamble, it's good having stability but you don't want to live life in a unhappy job and with regrets. Maybe take the middle ground another 6 months to figure out what you want to do and take some night classes inbetween.

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