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when did you have your first kiss?

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If you ask me, there is no "too late"


I guess I was lucky that kissing was never a big deal to me. I never kissed until I was 18. Just didn't find anybody before then I could even contemplate putting my lips on... *shudder* You shouldn't feel like you have to do something just because everybody else is, or just to be cool, or because it's the "thing to do" or whatever. If you find somebody you wanna kiss, then kiss them. If you don't, then don't feel you have to do it just in order to prove something.


Obviously this is only one person's opinion. And maybe kissing isn't a big deal... and believe me the first kiss is likely not all it's cracked up to be. But it's still a kind of landmark, in a way, and I'm glad mine was with somebody I actually wanted to kiss, rather than some half-hearted attempt to assert a "cool" self image.

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hi my first kiss was when i was 12 it was a just a peck then i french kissed a few months later but any way its never too late my boyfriend is 14 and he never has been kissed before!! and thats ok with me.my ex's were 13 and they were never kissed before until i came along But don't worry about it you'll find someone and when the time is right you guys will kiss but just live life and don't worry about not having a kiss.Girls don't care id you have ever been kissed or not.i hope i helped sum how.have fun with life and girls!!!

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Hi -trapped-soul-,


Like others have said, its never too late. Unless you count an innocent peck on the school bus when I was in second grade, my first kiss wasn't until I was 21, march of this year in fact. So don't worry, you're only 12, I'm sure that kiss will come along in the next few years, don't force it, just wait for it to happen. I assure you it will eventually.



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Man...I think I am like the only girl never got kiss until like 2 weeks ago. I am 21 years old. I think its best to wait. People think its cool bc their friends are doing it so i have to do. I am kinda embrassing to say i waited until 21 but then again its like I am proud i waited for everything



But there is nothing wrong to be kiss at 11 or 21 its just number

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My first kiss means a lot to me and i am going to save it for someone special.


That's exactly how I feel about it. I'm going to be 16 in a few months and I still haven't kissed anyone (or had a boyfriend). But I guess I'd rather wait and have my firsts with someone really special than just some random person.

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I was 16. I was sooooo incredibly nervous.. my boyfriend had been asking me for a kiss since pretty early on in our relationship, since he had kissed before, but I made him wait over 2 months until I was comfortable and ready Don't do anything unless you want to do it, and don't rush things! Everything will be much more memorable that way.

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Relax. I'm 21 and I'm still waiting for that first kiss. I want the kiss to be perfect, something truly special with someone I truly care about. There is no age requirement for when these things happen. It's just something that happens when the time is right. Don't worry, it'll happen eventually.

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I had my first kiss just last year. I was (and still am) 15. Like everyone else has said, don't worry too much 'bout it. You're only 12, you've got plenty of time (I know I'm not that much older than you but still). Just take things slowly, you don't need to rush into things and not be able to get out of them.

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