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ah!..i really like him..and I know he likes me!..but the age

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To start off, im 14 about to be 15 in a couple days, I also have this friend that is also friends with my sister, and I hang out with her ALOT(she's like eighteen)...so one day she went to her friend house to pick him up(his name for now will be Michael)..and thats when i met Michael and his brother..who is a year older than me...and MIchael just turned 18..Well we all hung out, then went over to one of their friend's house..whose 16, ...and we hung out there and me and Michael were just sitting on his friend's bed and talking and stuff (nothing happened, at all really)


..bUT..Michael has a GIRLFRIEnd of almost 3 years, he always call her a "bia"..and i met her that day too..i thought she was really nice and stuff,but he said he did but not as much and he tried breaking it off with her, but it didnt work because she would get too sad and stuff... and my friend that i hung out with that day told me that he thought i was hott..and they all thought i was 16 or 17 ..because i was so mature..and i guess you could say.."developed" for my age.. and me and Michael keep in touch online and we have met each other at the mall, and my guy friend who i was with said that he acted like he liked me.. Michael is really sweet guy..he respects me and stuff..and whenever we talk online, he sees some pictures of me..and he saves them to his computer, and he even put one up as his background and he makes me feel good about myself..because i probbably should have a high self esteem.. but i dont know....


while i was on vacation, my friend was talking to him ..and asked if he rated people..what would it be?..he said his girlfriend about 6..then she asked about me..and he said..well maybe an 8..but if she was 18 then i rate her a 10...and He wanted me to meet up with him and his friend and stuff..and he acts really flirty with me.but i don't know..i guess im starting to like him.. but i dont know if i should, i cant really talk to my friends about it, because they woudlnt really understand and people i know are very judmental..but i mean..its like..3 years age different.. but he's at the point in his life where hes about to go to college..and it feels a little weird.. but i like him, i like him for who he is, for his personality.. but i dont know what i should do..i mean..should i just tell him i like him, but dont want anything with him because he has a girlfriend and he's older and he gives me all these MIXED signals.. or should i just let things flow..and i am SO confused about the situation I'm in..i dont know why..but its just so hard to explain..


..to whoever reads this, thank you sp for taking your time..and please respond..

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It probably wouldn't be the best thing to do - to start getting into things with him. He's going into college, and he WILL meet someone else, I assure it. College isn't like the other schools. You are in a class of nearly a hundred students. Now multiply that by maybe 50 courses and you'll understand how many people attend these schools.


And besides, knowing that after 3 years with someone he's not in love and would break it off like that dosn't seem to trusting to me.

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You are saying something very important - the need to have better self confidence. You need to realize your own worth regardless of relationship with others. Only then will they value you. For as long as you do things so that you are appreciated, you risk being used and abused. I am not familiar with the guy and you but I can tell you that many girls your age have sex with older guys because they feel this way the guy will be hers. This could not be farther from the truth. So anyway, be friends with him but nothing more. And indeed, once in college things change, so he might forget you and this would hurt. Hope this helps. If needed, send me a private message too.

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All my life I have been with "elders"; all my girl and guy friends were older in school by at least 3 or more years...when I was 13, I hung out with lots of older girls/guys...I did a lot that I am not proud of, but if you are mature enough, the age doesn't matter.

What does matter is that this guy sounds like the type who after a 10yr relationship would want a "newer model" and doesn't really sound like he would be good for you. However, I know to that at a younger age, what isn't always good for you usually sounds best to you....Remain friends with him, don't hang alone with him until he is single. If your friendship blossoms, then great, but don't sell yourself short by waiting around....If he is a tree, look at the forest!!!! There is always a bigger prettier picture there.

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it sounds like this guy does have a thing for you and he wont be the last. But here is my advice: Never date someone who leaves someone else to be with you for he will leave you to be with someone else.


If you want to have a fling with him, this is your chance, but don't do anything you would regret because most guys that age are only after one thing and once they get it, they are gone. Look how he talks about his girlfriend, that could be how he'll talk about you.


Good luck on figuring things out.

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