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Hi everyone, I have always had trouble letting go. I have just gotten in contact with one of my exes (who I have not talked to for a year and a half) and now it's back to square one and I have to start NC with him all over again. I don't have the heart to tell someone my true feelings for them whether it is love or not (because I am not sure of those feelings myself) and that has created problems for me. There's another who says he loves and misses me but have no idea what he wants to do with me. He has a lot of girl friends, it feels he has been dragging this out and leading me on at times. He says we are friends when we have engaged in intimate activities with each other. Another has a baby and a baby mama, and no number I could reach him at. Another has a girlfriend. Another is waiting patiently for me to go back to him. Four guys have told me how they feel and they said it was love, however, their actions show otherwise. Which leads me to question things, has caused me to consider letting go of them and moving on with my life. I do want to let go of all four of them, but I can't. I know that I still care about them and whenever I try to let go of them and move on with my life, it doesn't take me long to gain contact with them again, at least the three that I have to number to reach them at. Does anyone have any suggestions, advice, comments, feedbacks on what the best way to let go of relationships/friendships are?

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