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Security Deposit On Flat. Don't Trust My Landlords!


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Hi there,


I've been living in England for almost a year and my visa is expiring soon so I'm getting ready to go home. I've given my notice three weeks before departure [ two weeks required ].

I've always paid my rent on time and in full.

When I moved in I had to give a security deposit for two weeks' worth of rent. So, since I'm all paid up for the next week I'll only have two weeks left in the flat and since they already have my deposit is it necessary to pay them for two weeks?

The thing is there are 8 rooms in the house and since I've been here 3 people have moved out and not one of them has received their security deposit back even after paying up for the final two weeks there. I'm worried about this because 1] it's unfair that they should get to keep money that isn't owed to them and 2] I'm moving back home and don't have a job set up so every penny counts.


In some cases the landlords have only waited 2 days after rent was overdue to start going through peoples' rooms and throwing all their belonging outside in the street so I'm afraid they'll do this to me as well if I go two weeks without paying. Although in the lease it states they are not allowed in your room without your consent beforehand I'm wondering if this still applies if I refuse to pay the final two weeks.


I know I'm not in my home country but we do not pay the landlord on top of a security deposit for an apartment. I think it makes perfect sense unless the building has been damaged but that is usually checked before the tenant vacates, anyway.


What do you think I should do? I really don't trust them and I'm almost 100% sure they won't return my deposit because they've done this to others in the past not to mention been very unreliable for me on occasions on a different matter.



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You have to pay your rent. The security deposit is a separate issue. Did the other people ask for the security deposit back...what exactly did the landlord say? My suggestion to you is to send a registered letter to the landlord requesting the return of your security deposit.


Yes, everyone asked for their deposits back [ they had all paid every week up including the final two ]. The landlords just acted like they didn't know what they were talking about when my flatmates would ask for their deposits back.

What do you mean by registered letter? You mean to send it by post? This is another thing that bothers me. They give us NO contact details other than a cellphone number.

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This all sounds very dodgy to me. The fact that there's no means of contact other than a cellphone sounds suspect. Landlords do not have the right to go through tenants' room in the way you describe; there are several other issues here which are rather worrying, too. I'm guessing that their tenants are from overseas, and not familiar with British laws?


Check out this website; it'll help you determine what your rights are: link removed and take any action required as soon as possible.

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I am not sure what the UK post office calls it but in Canada when you send a letter by registered mail it is a way of having proof from the post office that you sent the letter. It makes it more official and shows you mean business. However, it is more costly than sending it by regular mail.

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