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i met this good lookin girl at work and from the 1st day i saw she was interested in me... but @ that time i had a gf so i just did a lot of flirting... nothing more.. now neither of us are workin anymore but last week we went to this club ( with a tone of friends ) and we had a great time there..

when we were working she told me that we're gonna hook up sometime.. i was like whatever.. but now in that club she kissed me and after she told me " I told u we're gonna hook up " .. i really want to be with her but we both agreed that we dont want a bf.gf because we dont like it (for some many reasons) that leaves us with one thing... sex.. i know she is attracted to me and she knows im attracted to her.. but what i really need to know is how to go on from here..??

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For one, Flirting isnt cheating....its a way to make a friend.


As for your issue, I would suggest just spending time together as friends. Watch a movie, shoot pool, go to the pool/beach, whatever is your desire. One thing I'd do is rent a movie and watch it at home alone. See where things go. My guess is that if you guys have fun together and start being intimate, it will lead into a BF-GF relationship, even if it starts out otherwise.

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flirting like that consciously is cheating. making a friend can be done in other ways. complimenting a girls breast size and mentioning how to hook up is not necessary to "make a friend".


now how to go on from here? come on, do you really need to ask? you both want the same thing, on the same page so whats the problem. go on dates, have sex if you both are comfortable, and do the fling thing. who knows maybe you guys will want to commit later on, because honestly whats the point otherwise. but for now you guys want the same thing, so just keep it going. go have fun, but wait, you never mentioned if you broke up with you gf!! hopefully thats not an issue....

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flirting is like the first base of cheating if your making a conscious effort to let this person know you're into them romantically. flirting is not just trying to make friends, its a way of trying to get someone's attention. i personally am a flirtatious person in my personality. meaning, i laugh and giggle and lightly touch and compliment alllll my friends, guy or girl. its just me, and sometimes it can be taken as flirting. but when i really flirt, trust me its serious lol, so if i FLIRTED with some guy then its just not right.

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ok when i was with my gf... i told her ( gf ) that im hangin out with this other chick EVERYDAY @ work.. and she said she didnt mind.. and that's what made me flirt with her... and NO flirting IS NOT CHEATING ... like omg come on.. touching is cheating and talking is not touching... it MAY lead to cheating but that's another problem...

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