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Finally Doing NC for Myself

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i realised that deep inside, up until now, I was holding onto this remote hope that my ex would get over himself, get some professional help, and that we would eventually get back together.


Today, I believe I let go of that. Saw my GP and going to get professional help myself as I know I need it. I had been trying to contact a counsellor who I saw a number of years ago, but he is overseas at present, and I don't feel I can wait much longer.


After speaking with my GP, I realised I need to do this for myself and that the NC would be best forever. I still have some things at his place, but I will get a friend to collect them, and break all contact. He had claimed he wanted me to go out to dinner with him occasionally and meet up for coffee. That would set me back so far, and frankly devastate me. I realise this is like a drug I will have to continue to withdraw from cold turkey. I have honestly felt like I will just die from a broken heart. I'm going to really try hard to help myself now and to move on from this. Thanks for all the help I have received from here.

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You are doing the right thing. He isnt a healthy man for you or your life. Put yourself first and leave this as a closed chapter in your life. You have been through enough to know what needs to be done. Leaving him alone is the sensible and right thing to do. Stay strong

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