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Why won't she stop?

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So I have been NC with my ex for 2.5 months now but she still keeps contacting my closest friends and family. She broke up with me and jumped into another relationship just a few weeks after with a guy I can't stand. She wrote on one of my parents FB wall this weekend. It seems like she is living two different lives, and I know he new b/f doesn't know about it. Why is she doing this and after 3.5 months why hasn't she stopped?


Sorry, to give a bit more background, she has lost everything since she called us quits. Though she has made mistakes in the past, the was the final straw for many of her friends. She has not been included in anything we have done as a group since this happenend and is but an after thought at this point in time. Why is she putting my family in an awkward situation though?

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She is very confused and doesn't know what she wants that is why she is all over the place. She is thinking staying in touch with your parents is why to stay in contact with you without contacting you. The other thing is and this I probably should have mentioned first is that if she knows this is bothering you see will keep doing it.... My ex used to do stuff like this all the time and I would get sooooo wound up and she knew I would get wound up... I had to work on skills so she wouldn't get the same reaction from me anymore. Stop checking who she is contacting on FB, if it bothers your parents its up to them to stop the contact not you.... Good luck, it will get better over time but try not to react the way she thinks you will...

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The thing is I have no reacted once. When she told me about her new boyfriend I completely cut off contact. I have not said one word to her in 2.5 months. She has texted, emailed all of my friends and family and only one friend has responded. She has reached out to both parents, my best childhood friend who will basically be ther best man at my wedding, and all of our mutual friends that have decided to cut contact. She has done all of this with no reaction at all from me. She blamed the relationship on me, I begged for her back and told her I would change, she said no and that she was seeing someone. When she told me who it was I told her to never talk to me again. We have been best friends even before dating for 8 years, but she thought the grass was greener with the one guy who has been trying to steal her from me for years.


She keeps pulling the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" and "I just want to be friends" etc. When she broke up with me she told me she wanted time to see whether she could live without me or not in life, she decided she could, so why not leave me alone?

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Tell her to leave you alone. Also make your parents FB wall to be seen "To friends only". And delete her from their friendlist. Or you can also make in their FB privacy settings that no-one could write on their wall. Or even contact them at all. (this one I wouldn't recommend)

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Yeah, it's not really my right to mess with my parents FB. Who wants their parents on in the first place but I am not going to mess with it. They have not responded to anything she has done which almost makes it worse for her. The only thing is if I tell her to stop, she will be getting the reaction she wants out of me. It's almost like she wants back in my life but wants to keep him around as well. Is this considered living a double life when you are "happy with your decisions" but continue to contact your ex both directly and indirectly. I am not looking to much into it, I will have fun either way, just curious.

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