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Why have I been feeling this way?


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My mutual crush on her has been puzzling me ever since our feelings began to flare up again. Although some things (such as communication) have been improving recently, most things have remained the same. To this day I still have trouble understanding why she does these things. Only when weighing in the circumstances am I able understand that she still likes me. However, often wonder how much I like her. No matter how much I try to convince myself that I don't anymore, I can not deny that I care for her dearly. Even though things often seem a bit off, I can't see being with anyone else but her. Despite those warmhearted feelings, there are times (like the last time I saw her) I can't tell if I am still attracted to her looks. I don't think it is just her though, because my attraction to girls in general feels like a rollercoaster ride. I have noticed that these doubting feelings occur when I am exhausted and/or overly stressed. These factors have distorted my perception of many other situations as well. When I am less stressed over other situations as well. When I am less stressed over her or any other situation for that matter, things seem right again. Is it normal for this to happen?

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