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I got dumped about 6 weeks ago. Since then she has wanted to be my friend and has actually pursued it. Lately I have been very cold when talking with her. Yesterday she called me and asked if I was grumpy saying that I never call her and asking why I don't. The truth is I don't really see the point of being friends with her. It just reminds of the things I cannot do with her anymore. But also i would feel bad if I severed all ties with this women. What does she want from me? Her sister told me that she sleeps with some stuffed animals I bought for her and has a framed picture of me on her nightstand. She told that she just does not want a boyfriend right now. From all the stuff that she keeps around as reminders and the fact she calls me, does anyone think that when she is ready she wants me as a boyfriend again? Yesterday after asking why I have been so cold, I told her that is because I am tired of getting hurt. She did not understand that she hurt me. I told her i felt rejected. She came back saying I didn't reject you, I rejected that lifestyle I had with you. Isn't that ridiculous? I am over her. I have realized that I don't need her in my life although i would prefer her in it. Should I just make my old girlfriend history?

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The girl needs to grow up a bit if you ask me.


Men and women get different things out of relationships. Men need the physical contact much more than women simply because of how our brains are wired. Women are wired to need the emotional contact more. For instance of friend of mine would be a very miserable man if his wife didn't understand this. Her idea of intimacy is a movie on the couch, or a good conversation.


I guess what I'm saying is that she's getting from your current relationship all that she needs to feel satisfied because she still has the contact and you still confide in her. She's having a boyfriend without actually having the commitment of a boyfriend.


Now what you do with what I said is completely up to you.

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