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is friendship always this hard or is it just me?

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i dont know what to do about my supposed best friend. I have always found it very difficult to make friends due to a lack of confidence but i really thought that i got on really well with her and we seem to usually get on well, but recently i feel like she has some kind of control over me. I have become a lot mroe independent and i feel that i can start to stand up to her, as before when she did smething that hurt me i could only take the hurt out on myself. last week she started stirring things with my ex and i tried to confront her but she tried to play it down and made me feel stupid for asking her about it. now i have noticed that she puts me down in front of our other friends and i am always the butt of her jokes for no reason. am i being pathetic and melodramatic for not taking it with a pinch of salt or is it really worth all this effort?

please help

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I don't know how old you are, but I would suggest spending more time with other friends. Better friends. Perhaps you could just say "look, Its obvious you are treating me differently, if you have some sort of problem with me why dont' you come out with? Otherwise back off with the jokes etc." Being young is so hard, and kids can be so mean. I would tell her to * off.

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It's jealousy. I know, I know, that's a cliche' answer, but it's really true. She feels threatened or something. Maybe she'd the butt of the jokes with her other friends, so she needs a target to divert negative attention away from her. Either way, ditch her. Anyone who outwardly disrespects you when you're around will only be more brutal when you aren't around.

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