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will prob get a text on birthday!?!

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My birthday is in 2 of days and I have a strong feeling my ex will text me. Honestly I dont care If she does or not, that is not the point here but I have been really good with NC and I dont want a setback


If it happens should I reply? I dont really like the whole ignoring thing. should I just say thanks but I dont think we should be communicating right now?



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Saying thanks but we shouldn't communicate just shows you're still really hurting. Not necessarily a terrible thing I suppose, but best to either ignore it or say thanks! Ex will probably expect you to try and initiate conversation...so don't be predictable.

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If she says happy birthday, make it short. It is all dependent on what her intentions are. Does she want to initiate a conversation with you, and use your birthday as an excuse? Or, does she simply want to be 'nice' and wish you a happy birthday?


Unfortunately, my ex's intentions were made clear. She texted me a long paragraph explaining about how she wants to be 'respectful' and give me back my stuff (that still has yet to be returned, but I don't care what she does with it), and then at the end was a happy birthday wish. Needless to say, it ruined the rest of my birthday. Don't fall into the trap of manipulative ex lovers.


In either case, say thank you and be on your way.

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