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2nd Interview Question

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ok i just want to be prepared...i went on a 1st interview..i wore black pants, white collared shirt and a black suir jacket, black heels.


I am hoping they call again but I don't really want to spend the money on another suit/outfit..is it really necessary to wear a different suit on the second interview?I like the black classic look and i also don't feel comfortable in a business skirt suit (i have bad varicose veins and don't want to draw attention). It's just more comfortable for me in pants.


Should I wear a blue collared shirt instead underneath? Or can i get away with white again?

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You should probably go for another suit. However, if money is tight, then I would suggest you wear the blue collared shirt instead.


You really don't know who's going to be interviewing you for the 2nd position. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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Well if money is tight you can always go for a relatively business casual. Walmart has nicer tan/black/white/gray/stone colored slacks for only 10 dollars and their new button up collar shirts are only 13 dollars. Also places like Good will have full suits for 20$ or blazer type jackets for 7 dollars, most of the stuff there is still really nice.

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will they really mark that against me if a week later i am on a second interview in the same suit?


I don't feel like i will look as good in blue..i like the black classic look..i guess i can get away with just changing the color of the shirt to blue?

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