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A tattoo of a noose?

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Hi all...


Quick question...


Back story: I'm moving to Michigan to attend law school in the Fall and my potential roommate, who I found on Craigslist, has been nice enough to communicate with me and answer questions about the apartment. He & I have been chatting off and on for about three weeks now.


Question: Should I be a bit worried that he doesn't have any friends outside of his race? That he enjoys watching skinhead flicks? And that he just posted a picture on Facebook of a noose that he got tattooed on his arm?


Every bone in my body is screaming: THIS IS A BAD IDEA...But I don't like the idea of judging people before I get to know them.


*sigh* am I being naive?



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I'm not so sure about even making an appointment to meet with him. I feel these are subtle/not-so-subtle hints about his personality. If I'm not digging it from afar then I doubt up close will work out. My first choice was to find my own apartment...I'm gonna go back to that. Thanks for the advice. If I have any q's I'll be sure to pm you.


I would be worried but also go check the place out first,go out for coffee or something of sort and see how he really is. If not i sure would be glad to help you find a room mate as i am from Michigan



Exactly what I want to avoid..


...I'd expect drama with a person like this.
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Don't do it. All the evidence points in one direction, and keep in mind that sharing a house with him includes sharing that house with his friends when they come over. Which more than likely they are quite similar to him, or at the least share common interests, etc. If you get what I'm getting at.

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I hear and foresee where you're getting at. I looked through his Facebook and the gang pretty much looks all the same...C'est la vie!


Don't do it. All the evidence points in one direction, and keep in mind that sharing a house with him includes sharing that house with his friends when they come over. Which more than likely they are quite similar to him, or at the least share common interests, etc. If you get what I'm getting at.




Probably not a good idea, if he is in fact a racist he might make it uncomfortable for any non white people you choose to have visiting you.
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The mother hen in me doesn't even like the idea of you moving in with a guy! I mean... it would be different if it was someone you already knew and trusted... but this is random internet dude with questionnable interests.


... and does he know your sexual orientation? (I'm presuming due to the rainbow flag)... Different skinheads are different these days. Some have a problem with race. Some have a problem with sexual orientation. (You used to be able to tell their political stance by the color of the laces on their boots... I learned that from someone back in high school... don't know if that's still true). THAT might be your bigger problem!


In his defense and being really, really generous, it's entirely possible that he doesn't fully understand the implications of what he's saying. Some people are just ignorant and latch on to things they think are "cool". He might be an ok guy.


But he also might not... and the consequences of being wrong are BAD.


In either case, he sounds like he leans more towards "closed-minded" than "open-minded and tolerant". Do you really want to live with someone like that?

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It seems as though all the advice posted chalks up to exactly what I was thinking. The idea of "what may happen" is okay to think about but not okay to be in. It feels good to know that I'm not being paranoid about the situation or thinking irrationally.

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How do you know he likes Skinhead flicks? What are you basing that off of?


If you are basing it off of him telling you that he enjoyed a certain movie or certain movies, he really could have a legit reason for liking them like some deeper meaning.


That being said, I think you can never go wrong when it comes to your gut and trusting roomates (This is coming from experience).

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... I am lol'ing...


You are a black female and gay (based on what the members here are saying, I don't know you too well Why are you giving him more than 2 seconds of thought? He's a "possible skinhead" FROM THE INTERNET ! How desperate must a person be to even remotely entertain this possibility? lol !


He's probably planning like a race murder or something to initiate himself into the upper echoelon of his gang !

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