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Wow I just bumped into my ex her guy. She is a liar.

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Okay I was walking home and I literally walked right past my ex with the guy. When she saw me, she couldn't even look me in the eyes.




Now I know it's all bloody lies.


She told me today she was going out with her mum but I had a feeling she was going to meet up with the guy. Now I know for sure.


She has told me she will never get into a relationship with this guy because she doesn't like him. Now I know that's a lie as well.



I feel stupid.


Why did I even date such a person? Now I have a huge suspicion she cheated on me before our break up as well. Sneaky little rat.


This is by far the biggest setback I've had since the break up 2 months ago.


I have school exams starting on Monday which I should be studying for but I can't concentrate.



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Well ever since the break up, we've been on acquaintance/friendly terms when we see each other on Saturdays. Everything has been okay. (The break up wasn't ugly)


I don't miss her and I don't want her back.


When I see her next week, I just don't want to give the impression that I got crushed or anything. (I don't feel crushed at all.)

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I think it can be constructive to have negative feelings for your ex in the short term because you'll know that it's really over and that you can't be with her again. In the long term though she's only human and there's no point in being bitter about it.

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Play it cool, go with the flow but you don't need to be too friendly. Why would you? She lied man, thats not cool. Like any other friend if they lied to you are you going to act friendly to them? heck no.


You're right. I should just go with the flow.


I think it can be constructive to have negative feelings for your ex in the short term because you'll know that it's really over and that you can't be with her again. In the long term though she's only human and there's no point in being bitter about it.


Lol. I knew we were totally over before we even broke up. I'm over her. Even if she begged to get back with me, I wouldn't do it. It's just that seeing her with the guy took me by surprise today.

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