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Does she like me or is she just being nice?


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Ive posted somthing like this before but ill reinterate since there have been some updates.


There is this girl that I like from church that Ive been trying to get to know for awhile and at first she came off as a very shy person (would not talk to anyone other than her girlfriend) until i introduced myself to her infront of her parents. Then after some interaction at group gatherings the would actually smile at me if i was in her general direction. Her parents would ask me to go places with me and her. But remember the whole time we never had a one on one conversation. Just her answering my questions. So far kinda good since she would smile at me when she saw me.


Then I was caught talking to this other girl when she wasent at church one night after service. I was just asking for directions to the softball game her brother invited me to. Suddenly every time i see her at chuch, she acts like im not there with a straight face. Sometimes i catch a look, but then she quickly looks away (straight face). I think her friend caught me that night and reported it back.


So now this is starting to get to me so my buddies at work said i should try talking to her directly to find out whats going on, so i call her (her dad gave me his card a few weeks earlier) and I said that i was just commending her on her presentation at church the night before and asking what shes been up to since i havent seen her in a awhile.


-She sounds like The President called her, stumbling and said "oh my god" twice


-Could harldly answer my questions without silence such as what do you like doing in your spare time, so id have to finish the sentece for her, and never asked me any questions. So i said there was a softball game on sundays if she wanted to come have some fun.


-But she sounded very cheerfull and said that was very sweet of me to call.


Then i see her Sunday and i approach her just after shes talking to someone else and tap her on the arm and before i could say anything she suddenly turns around and hugs me with this smile and says "that was so sweet of you"

I said i just wanted to commend you since I dont see you much. Then i asked if she would come to a congregation softball game this afternoon but she was kinda like no. So i said Ill see you later as she was still smiling and staring at me.


I dont think she is interested because she did not want to come to the softball game, but she hugged me and had complete eye contact with a smile as i was walking away. Is she just being nice?? Maybe she dosent like physical sports where she would be involved??


Im going to try not to say anything else to her to see if she will call me. But what do you think?

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hey lol, honestly i think she likes you but really is shy. like she would be heartbroken if you were flirting with another girl, and would be very wary about accepting a date from you. she likes you, honestly i mean i could be wrong but from all of that, she seems to like you. i mean she seems like a real church going, innocent scared girl. like maybe she wouldnt want her parents to know anything. maybe she didnt go to the game because her paretns would get suspicious. but ya, i think you should confess your feelings to her and see what she says.

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Yes, she's interested. The reason she didn't ask you any questions was because she was nerveous and couldn't think of any. I have the same problem when a lady approaches me.


An easier way for you to get to know her instead of asking her out would be to just ask her if she wants to hang out some time. The softball game was a great move.


Good luck bro.

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