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is this out of line?

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is it out of line of me to still be annoyed with little things my ex still does, even though we are friends now? i still have some feelings but am moving on in life and i think he does too.


for example, he said hed meet up with me at the library. three hours later, i texted him asking where he was. he said ah sorry, i procrastinated, and wont be able to come tonight. okay.....its not a big deal in my eyes, but he use to forget to call and do stuff like this when we were dating, and i still get annoyed now as friends. am i being out-of-line for being annoyed? i mean all he had to do was send a text earlier saying he wouldnt make it up. or can i simply just be annoyed without feeling guilty?

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I agree, it's rude and I too, would be annoyed regardless of who they were. It's bad form. There is nothing I hate more then a flake. Let this help you in your moving on process.


I agree ^^. One thing to keep in mind, is if this was something that happened in your relationship, and even if you put up a fuss, if you never actually put your foot down and made it known that this can't keep happening or you're going to quit making plans with him and followed through on that, then he may just know in the back of his head he can get away with it with you. Also too, if you DID put your foot down, etc. and he still did it, then this is something about him that you will either need to live with, or live without. Some people do these things/act this way with being late, not showing up, etc., so you decide if it's something you should just accept, or not accept this about him as a person.


You may be afraid to say something because you two are now friends, but you admit you still have feelings, so you feel if you say something it may rock the boat and this friendship ends. It's not right or fair of you to have to swallow your feelings on his poor behaviour just to keep the peace, regardless if he is an ex or not. Don't let him take advantage of knowing that, or giving him a green light to let him continue to do this. It is rude, all the way around, so it wouldn't be unthinkable if you told him how you feel. If you're worried it will sever things, then just make sure to tell him in a kind but FIRM way that it just ain't cool and next time, you won't tell the guy you met standing in line at the book checkout 'no' to a date because you're waiting for a friend....LOL J/K, but that would maybe be an eyeopener for him, no? LOL

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