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QUESTION !!! -- what would you do!?


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let's say you're in sort of a dysfunctional relationship, and you 2 pick on eachother constantly, argue all the time and don't agree on many important topics and don't really have all that much in common....


what would you do / how would you react if you were a month away from getting married and you find out your signifigant other has been cheating on you for half the time you 2 have been together with the same person and maybe another. for instance you've been together for 4 years they've been cheating for 2.....


if you found out what would you do? forgive and forget? basically confront the other person, let them tell you what you want to hear and realize you're getting married in a month and you just want to work through it?


or if you found out would you be extremely devistated and want to leave becasue they have been cheating and no matter what you say or do, cheating is a horrible thing and proves to you that they never loved or cared about you and that it's a offense that can not be forgiven???


ALSO ...


how would you react if the way you found out about this cheating was from the other person involved????? how would you react to them telling you????



thank you for your answers! i appreciate all the help / insight i can get

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drop this person like a bad habbit!!


if you stay with her its going to slowly eat away at you! trust moi.

how can you possibly marry someone that has cheated on your for so long!? lets say the person came to you and said lets start a fresh? would you be able to? i would it would litrally kill me, always wanting to know why she cheated


that a horrible situation, but a situation i would 100% walk a way from and never look back

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When you commit to marriage, you're choosing to love that person until do you part. And you're choosing to give them your heart and trust that they don't break it. The ultimate loving act is being able to trust a person with your most fragile possession...your heart. If you don't love someone enough, there's no way you can trust them with your heart. This person betrayed you and took advantage of the vulnerability you display when you are in love. If you marry this person, the marriage would be based on lies and betrayal and you wouldn't be able to live like that. Disregarding the fact that you have little common interests (as sometimes that is not a problem in relationships), I think you should leave this person now, before you get married, so you can save yourself from more heartache later. I'm so sorry about your situation; I hope you can let go and move on.

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Take it from me..once a cheat always a cheat.....if he cheats before marriage, he'll cheat after marriage...maybe not at first, but when the excitement of marriage wears off, he'll be back to his old ways.....


Here's the question you must ask yourself: Can you trust him when you are not physically together? I mean when you are at home and he is God knows where, can you trust him?


Having a successful marriage is difficult enough these days. No need to bring all his extra baggage(girlfriends, lies etc...) along for the ride.

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