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has anyone gotten back together with ex-similar question

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well my situation is...my ex was going out with this girl for two years before he met me. She left him for another guy. When we started dating, he told me did not have feelings for her anymore though. She called a lot, came to his house, imed him, but I believed him that he did not have feelings for her anymore. He said that she was his first love, but not his true love. Well, things started getting crazy the last few months, and I told him we needed a break, but that I still loved him. I told him it wasn't fair to him. Anyways, I found out that he has started dating his ex again. He doesn't return my calls or anything like that and told me that he doesn't have any feelings for me anymore. How can someone just suddenly say that? How can someone be so mean? A lot of people have been telling me that he is just hurt, that I should wait for a month until school starts.


I love him so much though. People tell me that I deserve better, but I love him. I really want him back because I know that we had something special. I feel like we didn't get the chance to work things out, like I wanted to. I wanted the break to work things out, to not fight anymore, but he is now "serious" with this ex again.


I guess I'm just wondering if the thing he has with his ex is real. I know no one can really answer that question. But I was wondering if there are situations where people who go back with ex#1 will go back with ex#2. Aka is there a chance he might go back with me (even though he has gone back with his ex now)? Has this even happened to someone?

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well... i don't know if this will help you but here i go....


i met a guy 2 years ago. before i met him he was in a relationship with a woman for 2 years but they had separated during the time that i met him... we dated for a very short period... and we hit it off very very well. we both immediately felt something.. but then he went back to his ex.... i don't know if it was her asking him back or the other way around .... but he went back nonetheless. and i was heartbroken. i felt somethign very deep for him but we were only "dating" and it was for such a short period i figured i'd just move on....


well less than a month into him being with his ex he left me for... he started crawling back to me.... and i told him until he leaves her i can't be with him.... so tehn we end it there... then another month goes by and he comes crawlign back once again..... and i gave in and took him back.... since then... yah he's come back with me (ex #2) but he's never left his girlfriend (ex #1) now they're getting married (Which i had no idea about) he has been engaged to her for 6 months and i was completely unaware and during these last 6 months he's been with me more than ever...


i always thought if i kept seeing him then he'd eventually leave her, that eventually the guilt and the cheating would get to him and he'd tell her or want to leave her... even though that is incredibly selfish and wrong of me... that was my mindframe at the time... and no it never happened like that.... he proposed to her, never told me anything, kept seeing me and nothing has or ever is going to change until i make a stand myself..... basically if i didnt' find out he was getting married i wouldn't doubt if he'd still see me while he was married and that to me is disgusting....


i am not suggesting in any way that you'd be with a man who is involved with someone else..... but what i am saying is don't waste your time and just move on!!!... i wish i would have so long ago.. but i dragged it on casue i cared about him so much and he said he cared about me and it was something i felt i could never loose or get rid of... when all it did was leave me with a broken heart...... he is never going to leave that other girl. if he is capable of going back to her once he is capable of going back to her again. and that even makes him capable of running back to you when they don't work out....... and how is that going to make you feel when you're second choice!?


in the course of the 2 years i've been dealing with all of this i realized one thing.... if we felt something truly deep for eachother.. and really cared for one another and loved eachother as we said we have.... we would never have broken up in the first place... we'd still be together.. but the fact that he left me once... and is not willing to leave his current gf now.... proves that he doesn't care as much as he said he does and isn't willing to try...


so i know this sounds mean and it sucks.. but just move on! you'll be much happier.. you won't dwell on it so much and there are plenty of men out there and it's just not worth your time or despair because you will inevitably be the one to get hurt no matter what.... i'm sorry if that is harsh...

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I am a boy facing the same situation. After dating for about 6 months, my girl friend asked me to wait for one year, that is until she fninsh her exams, without meetng and absolutely without any contact. I tried but couldn't. I kept on calling her like once in a month. Then she oneday told me on the phone that she no longer belongs to me since I couldnt wait till she finish her exams. She even told me that she started dating again with her ex(her first). But my friends who are also her friends told me that she went dating wth her ex's big brother. I found it very hard to live wthout her. Kept myself awake reading all the notes and cards she have sent. I am now using the no contact rule and getting better. Now I have much time left revising my text books and i think i could become a wiser, better person without her.

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