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Cheer up!


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What do you do to cheer up? What makes you happy? What makes you smile? What makes you laugh? I apologize if there is a thread floating around out there that is similar to this one. I just wanted people to list something that cheer them up! Here are a few of mine:


-The smell of flowers

-Talking to my Mom

-Watching a comedian

-Talking to a friend

-Going for a walk

-Playing a sport

-Going for a run

-Listening to my favorite song

-Watching a movie

-Writing poetry

-Cleaning my closet (weird I know)


What are yours??

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For an instant buzz try lieing to yourself.


OK so when we are happy our brains are actively telling the rest of our body so our expressions becoem more cheerful as with everything else... your mouth and you giggle.


So why can't we do this the other way round? it works for me if only for a short time. Don't let your brain tell your body your sad turn this round.


Close your eyes briefly and force a giggle out and a smile on purpose for no apparent reason and you will feel a rush of happiness through your body. Well I do anyway and works for many of my friends.



Let this be a lesson to you that you are in control of your emotions so don't get down.

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