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dating is expensive hobby


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personally i find dating to be an expensive hobbyk the first date is not that bad but if it continues and she like u and u like her and if the guy still has to pay it is expensive expenses for the guy. that is why i think after the 5 or 6th date if she really likes me she should go 50 to 50 or swap. dating is expensive man-one night at restaurant is like 80 bucks -pay parking is $$ downtown vancouver, and at the end of the night if all u get is a kiss well what a rip off.

what does the gal have to lose ,she gets a free dinner what do we lose our money -unless u make easy fast money then its ok other than that forgot about it.


what do u guys think? they say love don;t cost a thing ,but i think it does, guy pay for b days, valentines, anniwarys, ring.....

i wish girls these days well i haven't dated but form what i think in society they should step up and pay sometimes. just imagine if u make same amount as her or she made more than u and she still expected u to pay woow what a lady hey.

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I don't ever feel like a guy I am seeing has to pay for anything. I also don't feel like we have to go to nice dinners. I am just as happy sitting at home eating pizza and drinking beer on the couch. I think that if it is the right person then money won't be an issue for either of you. She won't care how much you spend and you won't care to spend it.

Hang in there

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Ideally, I do appreciate it if the guy pays for the first few dates. It's nice to feel courted. But after that, I think the girl should pay for the next date, or make him a nice dinner, and there are tons of free things that are just as fun, like hiking, tennis, working out together, etc. O

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I agree...


I used to pay for EVERYTHING but ended up offending the women I was going out with. Seems like the modern woman today likes to get pampered but not bought. Theres a fine line there.




The way I do it is I will take her out for a nice meal and pay everything. Then the second or third time if she insists on paying I either go halfs with her or let her pay and thank her for the lovely meal. I could be wrong but women seem to be really happy when I do it this way.

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pampered but not bought?? what? doesn;t make sense. pampering is buying em things and romancing em yea that is buying stuff for em in the end-it is bought


I agree...


I used to pay for EVERYTHING but ended up offending the women I was going out with. Seems like the modern woman today likes to get pampered but not bought. Theres a fine line there.




The way I do it is I will take her out for a nice meal and pay everything. Then the second or third time if she insists on paying I either go halfs with her or let her pay and thank her for the lovely meal. I could be wrong but women seem to be really happy when I do it this way.

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the differance is buying them gifts and taking them out to dinner to make them feel special. Bought is basically shoving money down their throats and trying to buy your love . Theres a huge differance there. Of course a woman is going to love that you take her out and buy her dinner but if you refuse to let her square up to you once in a while and repay the favour and just keep insisting on being the one that shows the cash then they start to feel bought and that pisses them off. I am not saying I am right here. I am saying that all the women I have gone out with have insisted on returning the favour after a few dates,


Sorry wasn't making myself that clear there thought it was obvious.

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It was obvious. I think you're exactly right. I don't like being "bought." I don't like when guys like to flash their cash like theres no tomorrow and try and buy me with their money. I don't want to make a guy broke either, so I'll go halves sometimes or just pay for everything. I honestly don't mind, and whoever said it was right...if its the right person and you're not just thinking about what you're getting at the end ("just a kiss") then money shouldn't be an issue.

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Dating is expensive because you choose to make it expensive. If you consistently do the dinner and a movie thing or whatever else you will drop some cash. Pick activities where you dont spend as much cash instead of going to dinner go out for drinks, go for coffee stuff like that. As far as paying for females its always best to go dutch (that means split it). Think about what you are doing when you pay for a female she has the incentive to have a decent night with a guy she can blow off later. Spend moeny where it counts and realize that spending money on her doesnt put you in a better position.

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Daywalker, I usually agree with most of your posts, but a little puzzled about this one...would you want the woman to go dutch even on the first date? I know there's no logical reason why she shouldn't, but there are some nice things about going the old-fashioned route from time to time, and it does make a girl feel special/courted if he at least pays the first time, especially if he asked her out.

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Dating can be expensive depending on the person you date and where you desire to take them. On the other hand, it can be inexpensive as well.


As for who should pay I say the person who asked for the companionship. Let's face it, some people want you to pay all the time. Then there are those who will offer to take you out and pay.


I guess if you focus too much on what is being spent and not enjoying the time with the person it can drive you nuts.


Also, and this is important, be honest with your finances! If you can't afford to do certain things all the time let it be known. Women and men are very understanding when told the truth.


There are many inexpensive ways to enjoy one's company without breaking the bank.

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I love it when a guy pays for the first few dates. It shows that they are pampering you and showing a real effort to please you. It's part of having manners and playing the role of a provider.


However, the female should always make an effort to pay for things after the first few dates and try to make a real effort to even out the score board, so to speak. Because if she continues to let the guy pay for EVERYTHING, then there's a name for that: Gold-digger!

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I admit that i wasnt clear in my last post. Im talking about creating a situation with a female so that its not a date, more on friendly terms. Which is why i dont believe in the classic dinner and a movie date. By keeping the situation informal you get a chance to get to know the female without getting stuck into the rules of dating (i.e. paying for her). The situation you create by doing this allows you to keep your intentions unknown.

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i agree with u-lol u single lol. yea i pay for the first couple of dates but after that swap. my mom said in our culture-i'm chinese raised in canada though that when a man and woman go out the man pays for everything and anything-traditonal approach. i don;t now about this but i ain;t digging it. any of u ppl here asian what do think and if not what do u think.


I love it when a guy pays for the first few dates. It shows that they are pampering you and showing a real effort to please you. It's part of having manners and playing the role of a provider.


However, the female should always make an effort to pay for things after the first few dates and try to make a real effort to even out the score board, so to speak. Because if she continues to let the guy pay for EVERYTHING, then there's a name for that: Gold-digger!

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