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This is how I feel, What should I do now?

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Well I think this should rap things up about how I feel and what i need help with. Most girls I like I walk up and talk to them and ask them out. No big deal easy as one two three. Well last year during 8th grade there was this one girl who sat next to me in every class. Her locker was even next to mine. I didn't think of her much at first, but as time progressed I began becoming more attracted to her. I didn't think of that much either. O big deal just other crush I thought, but then I started dreaming about her. Suddenly I was crazy over this girl. She is nice, smart, and pretty. Everything I ever wanted. I began questioning god. There is a reason for everything eh? Is this why she is next to me? Am I supposed to end up with her. I left off on that. I figured I would have to make it happen. I think I might be in love with this girl. But then I thought things wouldn't last all through high school. They might, but I doubt it. Around summer time i began to long for her. I hurt inside when she wasn't around. I thought now I would have done what I always do when I want to ask a girl out. But this situation is too delicate. I'm afraid if I tell her how I feel too soon I'll scare her away. I cannot except that. This is where I need help. How can i get close to her without scaring her away and not taking things too far without her being away from me? Any help would be nice!

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dude it was frightening to read your post, because changing a few words I swear I could've wrote that myself. I've been in a very similar situation in the past few months, my case isn't resolved yet, but from what I've been through I can tell you a few my of opinions.


you want to do something about it now, the longer you wait the deeper you'll be in your own made up emotions about her and the bigger load it becomes for you to carry. just casually let her know you like her and ask her to hang out, if she is at all interested she would definitely agree to that (and if she's not then maybe you need to rethink your "fate" idea) (oh and if god wants you to be with her or whatever then there would be no way you can screw it up, so if you believe in that there shoudln't be anything to worry about)


in anyway case, what you'll probably end up realizing after you've spent some time with her is that she isn't nearly as perfect as you're thinking now. I know it's impossible to understand that now (I can't even do it myself with the girl I like right now, even though I KNOW this is true from past experiences). When it comes to these things there seems to be a gap between logic and feelings, but just keep that in mind and maybe it'd help more or less. Remember that after you actually get to know her I can garantee you WILL NOT like her nearly as much as you do now. you will realize she is human being and has faults just like everyone, and you'll learn to accept those and you will like her a different way.


the main point is, do something about it. don't be afraid to lose her or whatever, you can't lose something you never had. just appraoch her like you approach any other girl

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i once received an email with a title "Tomorrow's Not A Promise". Though i cannot precisely figure out if your feelings for her is the lasting kind, but i would suggest that you tell her what you feel. there really could be a possibility of rejection but you have to take it. Coz you never know whats goin to happen tomorrow.. maybe today's all you have.. and you never know how much regret it could actually cost you of holding back.. so go up and tell her..

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One other thing disturbs me. I dont know if you know who Chad and Jeremy are but they got something to do with this. The very first dream I had about her I heard a song. The dream contained all kinds of deja vu and stuff but this is plain freaky. The song summer song by chad and jerem was dancing around in my head. I had never heard the song before or chad and jeremy for that matter. I heard the song in my dream looked it up online and it existed. I was totally freaked out. And my strong passion for her began.

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that's pretty normal. you could very well have heard the song on the radio several times and heard them announce the name of the band without consciously remembering it. There are lots of things you pick up day to day without even realizing it, it's a pretty common psychological phenomenum

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Man, we could have a whole forum dedicated to the weird things that happen in all of our dreams. Dreams are still a big mystery to me. The funny thing is, I bought Newsweek this week for the first time, and the cover story is about the mystery of dreams. I haven't read it yet, but the article looks interesting.


Oh yeah, silentone, I had a dream just a few months ago about this girl I kept seeing in my math class. It really is weird when that happens, 'cause you just get the feeling this girl is the one. I'd never had a dream about anyone I found attractive before. I won't go too much into the dream. Basically, I was walking home in the rain to my front door, when I turned around, I saw her walking real, I dont' know how to say, maybe sensually, with a bright dress on and carrying an umbrella, and the look she gave me was that of someone you just knew was for you. I was so into this girl that I got knots in my stomach and almost a paranoid feeling when she walked into class. I didn't talk to her at all, I greatly regret that.


I agree with the earlier poster, just go up and try to find a natural way to talk to her. You'll never know if you don't try. But, that's easier said than done. I'm still working on my social anxiety in certain situations such as that. OK, I'm done, lol.

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