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im so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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this past weekend my girlfriend dumped me. she left me for another guy, her reason was because i dont pay enough attention to her. i asked her like when and she said when i hung up on her without saying goodbye, i never say goodbye before i hang up the phone. I am so sad right now because about an hour ago i was talking to her on AIM and i told her how much i hated her and told her to get out of my life and she was trying to just be friends with me and i blew her off (i know that sounds so immature and stupid and i know it is but i didnt know how to react) , then 30 minutes later i felt so depressed knowing that ill never hold her or be with her again. so i sent her a text message saying that she has no idea how much i love her. im afraid i messed up really bad, is there anything i can do or am i pretty much screwed. I love this girl to DEATH! i am so sad right now and i dont know what to do i am really considering suicide.

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This has happened to me before but then I started getting close to other girls and my ex came back to me. Even if you still like her u should just move on because girls who hold 1 little hang up aganist you....than she must not love you as you love her. So just find some other fly hunny

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I would say that many people say mean and hurtful things when they are mad things that are not even true but because you were so angry you just went off and did not think before you said what you had to say,About texting her back that you love her you should apoligize tell her that you were angry that you did not mean to say it and the truth is you are in love with her and dont want to lose her,Now I am not sure what to tell you from there all I know is if you love someone you dont give up that is what I believe many people may not agree with that but that is how I feel,So talk to her about it if she does not want to talk give her space and time to think and clear her mind and go from there good luck and pm me anytime you need to talk

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As long as you are both breathing you can always get back together. So don't do anything dumb because then there will never be any chance at all.


Lots of couples break up, say things they don't mean and then get back together down the road. Just give her some space and try again another time. Send her a quick closure text telling her that you are sorry you got so upset, but your love for her runs deeper then she'll ever know.


Then leave her alone for a few weeks. It's the best thing that you can do.

It's not over forever. it's just over for now.





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They're right...try your best to control your anger, although it is definitely hard at times! That way, there may be another chance. Give her time to sort through things since she is obviously confused or at a rough spot in her life. And definitely don't consider suicide...that's a no win situation...then there will NEVER be a chance of you getting back with her or anyone else. So just be strong and believe in yourself...even if this doesn't go on, there is always someone else.

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