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for those about to die...read this first

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I am not in a down or suicidal mood now so now would be a good time to make a post on reasons people should not do so. This may seem hypocritical because i have attemped before but if my post helps just one person decide not to end it all then i know i will have made an impact in the world.


Great wisdom comes from unlikely sources. The childrens movie "The Lion King" contains vast life wisdom. "It doesnt matter, it's in the past"-the monkey i forgot his name. If something bad in your life happens to you forget it move on. the past may be painful and often triggering to some..


"you cant change the past, but live for the present and write a happy future and the past will be less painful"- me. Meaning if someone in your family passes away and it hurts you, celebrate there life rather than mourn their death. life is a game of perspective.


For me my past has always been a trigger point. The things I've been through in my life no person should ever have to deal with, but thats just it the key words are "have to". I had to. And I did. It has made me stronger. Remembering the past is an option living the present isnt.


"leave the past behind, it only slows you down"- me, translation: dont let bad memories prevent you from making good ones. things you can do to stop from cutting would be think about everyone who would be hurt if you did. i have a few people who it would hurt more than me if i cut. another thing is help other people then you are making a difference and you would know you have a purpose. tear up shreds of paper, draw, scribble write anything keep your hands busy.


i hope this helps some people quit or at least gives some sort of idea to help. comment letting me know what you think, does this help anyone?



fAr FrOm PeRfEcT

cLoSe To FaIlUrE

hErE tO hElP

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It's actually something everybody should have in mind from now on. Great job on this post... It's not just for people who cut, but also for everybody who suffers depression, or is in a down part of their lives. Everything you said makes sense, and is completely true. I hope more people take a look at it. Best wishes.

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You know you are right and it dosnt make you a hipocrit I find it conforting to know that you have found something to give you a glimpse of light and your willing to share it with others. The movie that changed things for me was pay it forward I have given it as a gift to almost everyone I know they joke about it now they said they didnt even have to guess what it was my brother actually said let me get the popcorn befor he opened it!


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  • 3 weeks later...

ive been cutting for about 2 yrs. now and i just lost my friend a couple of months ago. it took her dying to make me realize that what i was doin was hurting other people. today is the aniversry of her death and i wanted nothing more then to start cutting again. but readin ur post made me realize that if i start cutting again i will hurt more people. thank you so much.

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