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Getting back together is NOT easy, make sure it's what you want.


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After we've basically been apart for a few months now, my ex bf told me he wanted to work on things and get back together.


The past few weeks have been so frustrating. He put no effort in at all. Heard a story about me from someone and jumped the gun and broke up with me again, in a really hurtful way. He did apologize and admit he reacted in the wrong way and didn't handle the situation correctly but he still seems to think it's ok to blame me for all his actions. It has been 5 days and I'm more frustrated now than ever. He hasn't directly asked for me back, and I'm still mad about the entire thing and feel like at this point I need to see something more along the lines of effort on his part. Ran into him yesterday and said, I'd tell you to call me but I know you won't. He said he would surprise me. Well I finally sent a text last night saying, hey, you broke up with me and it's been 5 days, this really isn't up to me at this point. He called later and I was asleep, he sent a text later saying he was looking at wineries, since I had said earlier I wanted to go to one. I responded with yes I have wanted to go.


I'm frustrated. This isn't easy, and I feel like I'm forcing something. Don't know where to go from here. It's so irritating to sit here, I don't feel like I'm asking for much.


Wondering if all this effort from me is even worth it. Still not getting what I am Wanting from him emotionally. Why say you want to get back together if that's not what you really want? What is the point? Sorry, just venting.

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Wow, I feel for ya. After 2 break ups with my ex, and 4 months of LC to NC to LC he is back. He says he will do anything it takes to get me back, he wants me. BUT the problem is I need him to do so much to prove he cares. Words arent enough at this point. So I told him, its going to be a long road to get me back. The only way I can go back is slowly. He says he understands but in a way, this is the test. Can he go a few weeks, or more moving slowly and will it be worth it for me? Im scared to death he will just do what he always does..leaves.


If I were you, I wouldnt contact him AT ALL! If he did the dumping and wants you back, he needs to make the actions. We cant let them think they can have us so easily. Trust me, Ive made that mistake in the past and that is why I am trying to do thinsg differently this time.


If he doesnt make the effort you desreve, I would try and move on. Its a tough pill to swallow, but you can do it. I was heart broken, crying every day for 2 months. It was awful, but I am startnig to feel good again and builidng my confidence back. Once I did that, he came back!


Good luck!

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Ladies, What if not getting them back is better for us? I mean I am broken hearted right now, but, what really changes. I was with a demanding controlling person who, presented someone else and than switched. Sad as I am I have to think long and hard if this is really what I want (notice I am having a strong moment) BTW we just broke up last sunday but really he slowly put me thru hell the last 5 months. My stuff is still at his house any suggestions, I have opted for NO CONTACT. I weaken sometimes and I know I am new with this, But, what really changes, when trust ran out the door. I couldn't put my feet up in this relationship again because he threatened to end it one too many times. LET FOLKS GO. (YOUTUBE)

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