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My Boyfriend said he doesn't want a girlfriend anymore

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My ex boyfriend called me today and told me he still cared about me a lot but didn't want to go out with me anymore b/c he didn't want a girlfriend. I'm so frustrated b/c if he just wanted more space then why could have just asked for more time to himself instead of dumping me and on top of that I might be pregnant. WE had gone out for a year and a half and he was the love of my life and I miss him terribly. We've broken up before but it never stayed effective for more than a day. I'm scared that he might never come back b/c I yelled at him and was really rude when he dumped me. I didn't feel the things I was saying. All of our friends and family didn't want us to break up. Does anyone have advice to help me get him back. Need lots of advice PLEASE HELP!!!

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