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What's right vs what's best for you????

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It says it all in the title. How many of you ENA faithful would still help or be there for your EX who broke your heart? No matter how much they hurt you, if they call you at this very moment on their having lost the closet person to them from death, ended relationship, whatever, or was on the verge of loosing everything that ever mattered to them. Be that their health, wealth, family, etc.?? The best thing for "you" to do to is stay away from this person; but the right thing for you to do is be there for them knowing that if the roles were reverse chances are they would not show the same courtesy to you? Which would you choose?

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It depends whether or not they were ever there for me during the breakup. My ex, for example, did not care one bit. So be it his health, wealth, family, etc... I would likely not be there for him at all. Unless he had a serious health issue than maybe....but other than that, he can ask his friends for help since they mattered more than me before!

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i would be there for him.....as a friend to give support and nothing more. and most likely once the person had grieved or got over whatever was wrong then i would back off again if i was unable to keep it as a simple friendship without hurting myself. i think that people do * * * * things, make * * * * decisions and hurt others and yeah most probably he might not be there for me if i was in dire need but still if i loved him once and he loved me once then yeah i would be there for him. i would try to be there for any human that i could be there for let alone someone i loved or love regardless of their feelings for me.

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If he came to me with something like that on his shoulders there's no way I would ignore him, no matter who it was in fact. If someone, anyone came to me suffering that much and needing my support there's no way I'd slam the door in their face. It just isn't in my character to do that, I just don't have the cruel vindictiveness required for that. People are people and no one is perfect, we all make mistakes. He's already proven that he is great at showing me that he doesn't care, but that doesn't mean that I would obviously want to see him suffer..no way, that is one of the things that I love the most about me, call it a flaw or a weakness if you like but to me it's one of my biggest strengths, compassion...

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Well, my previous ex, we were close friends for three years before we were together. We're still friends. If he wants me there, sure. He has others though so I wouldn't expect a call.


My current guy, if we became exes, we still want to be in each other's lives anyway as friends. We just click in that area as well. And his little sister really took to me, and so have his mother, I do feel like I'm a part of them. So for him, I'll drop everything and be there as a best friend. I'll expect the same from him.


It really depends on the person. If you remained friends or if you guys still care to be there.

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What's best for me: that I give him a kick in the pants and a finger.


What's right: that I remain friendly and if he ever wants to talk about anything with me, he can. Because that's what friends do, and I'm older than all that silly 'throw a tantrum' nonsense.


Anger fades eventually, but I like to salvage something from relationships that end on good terms with both of us agreeing we just weren't meant to be... I also got along with this particular ex's family, so I wouldn't want them to completely alienate me. So I remain friends, the anger and pain fades, and then it's happiness that at least something good came out of it.

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