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Something worth mentioning that may help those going through a break up now. I have stopped drinking on weekdays for over a month now and feel a lot more positive and in control of my life. I feel sharper in the mornings and I can do more in the evenings as well. I still have a drink at the weekends, but only a few glasses.


So I would recommend cutting out alcohol if you are going through a break up. I realised that I tended to feel more depressed and have more negative thoughts when I drank. Although it feels like you can block out those negative thoughts by drinking, it only makes them worse. It's made me more aware of the effect alcohol has on my emotions. Another helpful tip I picked up was wearing an elastic band on your wrist. Give it a snap when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts/daydreaming about your ex.


I wasn't drinking a lot, up to half a bottle of wine a night, maybe more at weekends. The hardest bit was not having wine to go with my meal, but it was fine once I got out of the habit. Now I have got a variety of different soft drinks to choose from. Still have wine at the weekends - no point depriving yourself of one of life's pleasures!


I have always done a lot of cycling which keeps me fit and I take good care of my body, having a good diet, drinking plenty of water, doing yoga and so on. All of which are to be recommened too!


Anyway, if you do drink, try stopping and see if it helps.

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dude i feel ya lol, i went through a phase of "drinkies" everyday lol


i never realised but i was actually really different i was always arguin with my girl n basically treatin her like sh!t, *NEVER* hit her tho,


but when she pointe dthat out about 3 months ago, i stopped from that day!! i only been drunk bout 3 or 4 times since! that was at my last day of school, so i think am lot mnore happy with my life and its dircetion

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I have to say I like the idea about wearing an elastic band around your wrist, I'm at work right now, and after I read that sentance, I slapped an elastic band on my wrist, I never thought of that before...and i was just trying to think of ways to help myself from thinkin of the ex, or missin him or aynthing..now I have something..


yah i try not to drink much either...but its hard to resist a nice glass of wine at night to relax after a long day of work, and just want to relax from everything on your mind and all the stress...and of course the dealing with a breakup...as long as you don't do anything stupid and it isnt becoming a problem i dont see a major problem..


Thanks again for the neat advice on the elastic band....we'll see how it works.


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heh, when i first separated with my husband, i seriously, no lies here, was putting down about a bottle and a half of wine night and was not tipsy/drunk, etc. I have a high tolerance, i blame it on my irish heritage.


I drink wine for the taste more than the effect honestly. I can drink coffee and go right to sleep; and same thing that i like coffee for its flavor not for its affects of caff.

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Glad to be of some help. although I can't take all the credit. I got the no booze tip from VitalCoaching and the rubber band tip from Eatz.


One reason why I think it helps me feel better is that I am in control of something which is benefitting my state of mind and general well-being, and it feels good. When you have been dumped you are at the mercy of a hoard of negative emotions and it takes time and energy to deal with them. You need to have everything on your side to recover.


Only two bottles of beer this weekend!

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