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I've just split up - 2 weeks ago- with my bf who I was with for 2 1/2 years. It was my decision, but I felt like I had no choice. He's 21 I'm 26 and he is in the navy so we didn't get all that much time together. The last weekend I saw him everything was great but I found out he had lied to me about going out etc. He had told me he was home when in fact he was out drinking and then that got me wondering has he lied about other stuff? I find it hard to trust and until that point i trusted him completely. The next two weeks things went downhill and he said he didn't know if he wanted to be with me and we had an argument and i ended up finishing it. We have had arguments before due to distance etc and have split up before but this only lasted a week. My mum died when i was 18 and left me some issues which probably means I’m not a great gf but i feel if he loved me he wouldn’t have lied and he wouldn’t have given up? We’ve had some contact via text and he has said he still loves me but cant be with me. I've told him i miss him and love him but although he loves me he doesn't believe we would work right now. I'm broken - i miss him every second of every day. He's so a angry with me though and one minute he is saying he wants to be friends and to contact him if i need to talk about anything and the next he wants me to leave him alone.


How do I move on? I'm scared I've lost the one! I’m scared I wont move on.

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If he lies to you then he's not the one. Think of all the bad times you went through, wondering where he was, the fights. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life like that? I think it's NC time for you. It might be hard, but it'll help you ease the pain, little by little, until it's nothing but a memory. I was told by someone here that if my other half doesn't move mountains to be with me, then he doesn't deserve me. Well, think about that. What is he doing to have you? Maybe you both need time apart. Instead of him, try to focus on yourself.


It'll get better and easier. I promise. I've been there.

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I was told by someone here that if my other half doesn't move mountains to be with me, then he doesn't deserve me. .


I totally agree with the above! I guess that's what every girl wants and I have realised he was never gonna be the person to do that for me. I just feel so bad as I dumped him but I had no choice. He knew how hard it is for me to trust and he broke that trust and did nothing to reassure me afterwards.


It's been one week NC and I'm proud of myself that I haven't caved in and contacted him. I've sent him his stuff back that i still had and deleted all emails/texts etc. It's hard knowing you care about someone this much and it's one sided but everyday seems a little better.


Thank you x

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